2 Types Of Breathing That Take Away Tiredness, Stress And Headache In 5 Minutes

The multiple occupations of the day and the continuous exposure to stress can cause health to suffer in various ways and make us feel tired and “ailments”. Although it is normal to suffer the latter occasionally, when they persist, they must be paid attention and given adequate care by the hand of the doctor.

Following the professional’s recommendations and maintaining a healthy lifestyle contributes significantly to preventing all kinds of difficulties, but it is also good to know other alternatives to increase well-being.

For example, there are some physical and breathing exercises that help heal both the body and the mind. Among them, we find a therapy known as pranayama or ‘conscious breathing’ that, in a matter of minutes, provides us with a feeling of relief.

Here we tell you what it is about and how to practice it at home with two interesting methods.

What is pranayama and what are its benefits?

Deep breathing to improve mental energy.

The pranayama is one of the main practices yoga. It is known as  ‘the science of breath control’, or more accurately, the manipulation of prana or ‘vital energy’.

Prana is the Sanskrit word for ‘breath, life’ and ‘cosmic energy’; meanwhile, yama means ‘restriction’.

Its practice has physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, including vitality, the ability to think clearly, and higher states of consciousness.

The prana is also defined as ‘a universal energy that has the ability to transform and shape the most subtle aspects of each person’. Although it circulates through each one in an energetic way, it also manifests itself physically through breathing.

Although some ignore it, by inhaling and exhaling correctly, we provide the body with an important source of energy. In turn, it has benefits on the regeneration of the body, its physical performance and processes such as digestive and growth.

And it is that an optimal respiration allows to acquire the necessary oxygen for the blood and each one of the cells. For this very reason, the focus of this practice controls stress, decreases fatigue, and relieves symptoms of tension such as muscle and headache pain.

The most interesting thing is that, apparently, its regular practice strengthens the brain and improves mental faculties such as memory, intellect, reason and concentration.

How to practice these types of breathing?

To carry out this simple breathing therapy for well-being, you should find a quiet place, away from annoying or distracting noises. Choose the hand with which you feel most comfortable and, later, close the index and middle fingers towards the palm to form a kind of clamp.

1. Left breath

Left breathing is recommended to soothe physical pain such as headache, muscle pain, and joint pain.

  • Block your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand (or with the ring and little finger of the left if you are left-handed).
  • Next, breathe through your left nostril and try to make it as deep as possible.
  • Plug both nostrils and try to hold your breath for about 3-5 seconds.
  • Then release all the air slowly and deliberately. And it starts again.
  • Do the exercise about five times, taking breaks of at least 30 seconds to avoid dizziness.
  • You can do it several times a day, or whenever you feel physically stressed. It is liberating!

    2. Right breath

    Right breathing is designed to combat stress, feelings of tiredness, and difficulties in concentration.

    In fact, its practice can help regain warmth when the feeling of cold increases.

    • Put the little and ring fingers of your right hand on the left nostril to block the air.
    • Then breathe through your right nostril and relax.
    • Hold your breath for five seconds, covering both nostrils, and repeat the exercise five times.
    • Remember to release the air in a pause and avoid doing it too often so as not to feel unwanted effects.

    Still not benefiting from these types of breathing? Go ahead and practice them at home and discover that they have many benefits for your physical and mental health.

    Correct breathing improves oxygen transport, increases the ability to reflect and helps us relax. Although we are not very aware of its importance, breathing is a great link to channel our energies and stay healthy in general.

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