3 Amazing Remedies With Lemon Peel

The lemon peel is the richest part in vitamins, minerals and fiber of this fruit. However, we almost always end up throwing it away to keep its juice.

According to New everyday Health magazine, thanks to the enzymes present in the lemon peel we can have a healthier life by reducing the level of bad cholesterol and by increasing our natural immunity.

Therefore, from our space we invite you to put into practice the so-called frozen lemon therapy or, do not hesitate to introduce grated lemon peel into your diet in your meals or desserts.

Your well-being will notice. For our part, we explain three great benefits for your health that you can get with the lemon peel.

It should be remembered that these remedies do not have a proven scientific basis at the moment, therefore, if you notice any side effects we recommend that you stop using them.

1. Lemon peel to treat joint pain

Joint pain can be caused by arthritis, injuries, contractures, or even by the accumulation of uric acid crystals (gout). All these ailments occur with inflammation in the tissue that surrounds the damaged joint itself.

Thus, one way to combat and treat said inflammation could be to use a natural antiseptic to reduce both pain and possible fever and even the infection that can appear in these areas.

  • Lemon peel contains multiple oils, such as citronella and phelandrene, as well as vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid, formic acid, hesperidin or pectins, among others.
  • All of these components could reduce joint pain and blood vessel inflammation.

How to make my lemon peel remedy


  • ¾ cup of extra virgin olive oil (150 g)
  • The rind of a lemon cut into several broad strips
  • 5 eucalyptus leaves
  • A small jug with a lid.
  • Clean bandages.


  • To do this, in our small jug we will pour the 150 grams of olive oil, along with the lemon strips and the 5 eucalyptus leaves, and then allow it to macerate for 48 hours.
  • After that time, we will only have to moisten the bandages with that oil in which the benefits of lemon and eucalyptus have been impregnated.
  • Apply to the affected area for half an hour. It is very therapeutic.

2. Lemon peel to speed up metabolism and lose weight

lemon peel tea

As we have already pointed out at the beginning, it is in the lemon peel itself that most of its benefits are concentrated. In this case, when it comes to losing some weight and accelerating the metabolism, the pectin contained in this part of the lemon will be very useful.

  • Pectin could help us when it comes to prevent us from absorbing sugar or accumulating fat deposits.
  • It should also be noted that we should never carry out an extreme diet based only on lemon juice.  This remedy is only a supplement to our diet, which should always be varied, balanced but complete.

When it comes to losing weight, we must do it with health.

How To Make My Lemon Peel Weight Loss Remedy


  • 1 liter of water.
  • The peels of 2 lemons and their juice.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • First we will have to prepare a large pot where we will add that liter of water and bring it to a boil.
  • Once hot, we will add the peels of the two lemons to boil for 20 minutes.
  • After that time, we will strain all the content and we will keep the water.
  • We will take it to a glass jug, where we will include the juice of the two lemons and a tablespoon of honey.
  • We will have a cup 20 minutes before meals.

3. Lemon peel to reduce blemishes on the skin


The effect of free radicals accelerates the signs of skin aging, and one of its first manifestations is undoubtedly those unsightly spots that we try to mitigate with a good makeup.

Now, you will like to know that one way to hide and treat its impact on our epidermis is to benefit from the citric acid and vitamin C contained in the lemon peel.

Thanks to these components  we could eliminate impurities found in skin cells, thus stimulating elasticity and natural health. For all this it is worth trying this simple remedy.

How To Make My Lemon Peel Skin Remedy

In this case, we will carry out this beauty ritual at night. With the face well cleaned, we will only have to pass the peel of a lemon on our face.

All you have to do is cut a small portion and perform circular massages in those areas where you have the spots.

Remember to do it every night and you will see what good results you get.

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