3 Smoothies To Treat A Swollen Belly

A swollen belly or abdominal distention is a fairly common ailment. This can be due to many causes, and not just a poor diet. Sometimes the reason is slow digestion, food intolerances, or an irritable bowel problem.

Possible triggers are clearly explained in certain medical publications. To prevent or help solve them, there is the possibility of introducing simple home remedies in the day to day, although these can never replace the doctor’s instructions. Today we want to propose that you try some delicious smoothies to relieve a swollen belly that could complement the professional’s instructions.

Watermelon, Strawberry and Mint Smoothie for a Bloated Belly

This smoothie will be of great help on those days when you feel a bloated belly and an annoying feeling of heaviness. Do you want to try it?

The base of this natural drink is going to be watermelon or, if you prefer, melon. These fruits contain plenty of water, an element that, according to a 2016 study published in Frontiers In Nutrition , contributes to weight loss.

In addition, peppermint can also contribute to combat bloating. Its relaxing and antispasmodic properties improve digestion and relieve pain and inflammation, according to a study published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics .


  • 1 cup of watermelon cut into cubes (220 grams).
  • 10 strawberries
  • One lemon’s juice.
  • 1 glass of water (200 milliliters).


  • The first thing to do is get those 220 grams of watermelon (or a melon, whatever you want).
  • Squeeze the lemon juice and reserve.
  • Now, cut the strawberries in half and wash them well, then put everything in the blender : the watermelon or melon, the lemon juice, the strawberries and the glass of water.
  • Get a smooth smoothie and, if you want, add two ice cubes. Delicious!

Pineapple, grapefruit and nopal smoothie for a smooth belly

Nopal juice for a swollen belly

If there is a fruit that promotes digestion and helps fight a bloated belly, it is pineapple. Thanks to one of its enzymes, bromelain, it is possible to alleviate certain intestinal and stomach problems that may cause this bloating. Bromelain possesses anti-inflammatory actions, according to a study published in Biotechnology Research International .

For its part, the insoluble fibers present in the cactus offer all the benefits of this nutrient. As explained in a publication of the Cuban Journal of Integral Medicine , this compound has the property of preventing diseases linked to the digestive system, as well as improving its functioning.


  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 grapefruit or grapefruit.
  • 1 tablespoon of nopal pulp (10 grams).
  • 1 glass of water (200 milliliters).


  • The most important thing is the nopal leaf; it is common to find it in markets, greengrocers or diet stores. Once you get it, carefully remove that translucent pulp from the center to take it to the blender.
  • Next, squeeze the juice out of the grapefruit.
  • Include all the ingredients in the blender : the water, the pineapple cut into pieces, the tablespoon of nopal pulp and the citrus juice.
  • Blend until a smooth drink.

Papaya, pear and aloe vera smoothie for a swollen belly

Papaya is beneficial for digestive health and to help achieve a flat stomach. This, of course, is only possible within the framework of a balanced and healthy diet and regular physical exercise.

Several academic publications suggest that papain has effects that contribute to digestive well-being ; however, there is insufficient evidence in this regard. Despite this, if you combine it with a little pear, you could add the benefits of its vitamin, mineral and fiber content; the latter also contributes to digestion.

For its part, aloe vera has supposed beneficial effects for the digestive system, although at the moment only its properties have been scientifically proven to treat gastroesophageal reflux. This is confirmed in a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

In addition, according to a study published in Letters in Applied Microbiology , aloe vera helps treat infection caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria This bacteria can cause conditions that cause inflammation of the intestinal lining, among other problems.


  • 1 cup of chopped papaya (170 grams).
  • Half a pear.
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (15 grams)
  • A glass of water (200 milliliters).


  • The first step is to get the tablespoon of aloe vera pulp. If you have a plant at home, just cut a piece of the stalk and remove that gel from the center.
  • Next, cut a few pieces of papaya and do the same with the pear. Remember that, in this case, half is enough.
  • Add the glass of water, papaya, aloe vera and half a pear in the blender and process until you get a homogeneous mixture.

You will see what a refreshing, light and healthy smoothie you get to treat a bloated belly. It tastes delicious!

Faced with a swollen belly, see a doctor if necessary

As you can see, these shakes contain various benefits that contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system. In this way, they could help you feel better and combat the inflammation and heaviness of the swollen belly.

However, if symptoms persist or intensify, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is essential. The professional will indicate an appropriate treatment that, in any case and after approval, you could complement with these natural recipes.

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