4 Ways To Include More Avocado In Your Diet To Improve Your Health

Avocado is one of the healthiest foods that can be included in a diet. Its properties make it ideal for improving cardiovascular health, stopping the action of free radicals and it is even recommended for weight loss.

For many years some people preferred not to eat this food because it was said to be “fattening” and that its high calorie content could be harmful. However, over the years, it has been shown that its fatty acids are very beneficial and that due to its high nutritional value it has a lot to contribute to health.

Avocado is a food rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These have a high anti-inflammatory power. They also have the ability to improve body composition in overweight individuals, as stated in the following article published in the journal “The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry”.

As if this were not enough, experts link the regular consumption of this type of fat with a reduction in cardiovascular risk.

One of the advantages of this green fruit is its versatility in gastronomy. Thus, its flavor and texture make it ideal for preparing different recipes, as well as being delicious on its own.

Taking into account that many people are already looking for ways to consume it more frequently in the diet, today we are going to share 4 recipes to enjoy its flavor and, of course, all its benefits.

1. Avocado with egg

Nothing better than starting the day with some delicious eggs mixed with avocado. This combination is an energizer for the body and supposes a significant contribution of proteins to have a better physical performance.


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 ripe avocado.
  • Lemon juice.
  • ½ chopped tomato.


  • Cook the four eggs, cut them in half and remove the yolks, being careful not to damage the white.
  • Crush the avocado pulp and mix it with a little lemon juice and a little chopped tomato.
  • Fill the egg whites with the avocado mixture and add salt to taste.

    2. Cold avocado cream


    This recipe is ideal for summer days. The trick to making it delicious is to serve it cold. However, it can also be prepared as a starter for main meals or as a light dinner.


    • 3 ripe avocados.
    • ¼ cup of chopped onion (15 g).
    • ¼ stick of butter.
    • 3 cups chicken broth (750 ml).
    • 1 cup plain yogurt (200 g).
    • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml).
    • Salt and pepper to taste.


    • Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the chopped onion for a few minutes, until it is golden brown.
    • Extract the avocado pulp and blend it together with the three cups of broth, the fried onion and the yogurt.
    • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, pour it into a refractory tray and season with salt and pepper to taste.
    • Take it to the refrigerator to chill for a couple of hours and serve it.

    The star dish with avocado: guacamole


    This classic recipe is one of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of avocado, as it can be added to many preparations.

    Serve it with the typical Mexican tortillas, with fresh shrimp, with empanadas, and even enjoy it with a portion of toasted bread. You’ll love it!


    • 2 ripe avocados.
    • ½ onion.
    • Half a tomato.
    • ½ lemon squeezed.
    • Fresh coriander leaves (to taste).
    • 1 pinch of salt.
    • Chiles (to taste).


    • Chop the onion and tomato, and reserve in a bowl.
    • Extract the avocado pulp and crush it in a bowl. Keep your seed apart.
    • After getting the avocado puree, mix it with the onion and tomato.
    • Add the salt, the chopped coriander, the lemon juice and mix everything very well.
    • If you want to give it a spicy touch, add a chili or whatever you want.
    • Put the avocado seed in the sauce so it does not oxidize and it will keep for a longer time.

    Avocado dessert


    This flan type dessert is a delicious way to enjoy the flavor of avocado combined with ingredients such as yogurt and pineapple.

    Consuming it in small quantities is a healthy recipe to enjoy as a snack, or as an accompaniment to other main dishes.


    • 1 medium ripe avocado.
    • 1 low-fat plain yogurt.
    • ½ glass of pineapple juice (100 ml).
    • 6 tablespoons of lemon jelly (40 g).
    • Sweetener to taste.


    • Heat the pineapple juice and, when it comes to a boil, remove it from the heat and mix it with the gelatin until it is well dissolved.
    • Extract the pulp from the avocado and place it in the blender with the yogurt and the sweetener.
    • Process everything until you get a creamy mixture, then add the gelatin, continuing to beat, to avoid lumps.
    • Pour the preparation into a flanera and take it to the refrigerator until set.

    To keep in mind!

    Avocado is a food that offers beneficial health properties. Its high content of omega 3 fatty acids makes it a cardioprotective food.

    For this reason its regular intake is recommended, although it is necessary to be careful with its high caloric density. 

    There are different ways to prepare avocado, choose the one you like the most and add it to your diet.

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