5 Plants To Fall Asleep That You Can Put In Your Room

To fall asleep and sleep well, you need a quiet environment that encourages relaxation and rest. Many times accumulated stress and anxiety have caused you to wake up in the middle of the night with a start.

If, in addition, you control the temperature of the room, ensuring that it does not exceed 21 ºC, you will get a calmer and more restful sleep. If it exceeds 26 ºC, the typical discomfort caused by heat appears.

Today in our space we want to talk to you about some plants that you can place in the bedroom and that, due to their properties, help you to fall asleep and have a good rest. These plants to fall asleep are easy to find and grow in a flower pot.

1. Jasmine to fall asleep

plants to fall asleep

There are more than 200 types of jasmine, and it  is one of the plants with the greatest sedative effects. Its fragrance has calming properties that can help us improve the quality of our sleep.

Jasmine tends to grow in the form of a vine, and many species are so fragile that they will appreciate having them grown indoors in pots. It is also easy to grow, you will only need a pot at ground level and plenty of topsoil.

2. Lavender

Lavender essential oil is one of the most used to fall asleep and get a proper rest. Just put a few drops on your pillow.

In a study published in the Journal of Essential Oil Research , in which the sedative properties of various types of lavender essential oil were analyzed, it was discovered that the linalyl acetate it contains is responsible for this effect.

Thus, putting a lavender plant at home will come in handy to facilitate children’s rest. In addition, this is part of many mosquito repellants, so it can even help prevent them from bothering them in summer times.

Lavender is good for a dry, stony soil type. For this reason, remember to put a gravel bottom in the pot and sow its seeds in autumn.

It is a plant that grows a lot and is very resistant. In addition, it will flavor the rooms in a very pleasant way, creating an environment of calm and tranquility.

lily-of-peace plants to fall asleep

3. Aloe vera, your ally to fall asleep

We will achieve clean air inside the house thanks to the photosynthesis it carries out. Like any other plant, it oxygenates the air, but not only that, in particular it helps us to eliminate harmful particles that are suspended in the air.

According to NASA itself, it is an indoor purifying plant that has the characteristic property of absorbing certain harmful elements (such as those from electronic devices or carpets) and eliminating them from the air we breathe.

Furthermore, subsequent studies seem to confirm this effect. However, it is important to bear in mind that the effectiveness of the plant in internal environments will depend on the care we give it. Therefore, try to place the aloe vera plant in front of the windows so that it receives maximum sunlight. This will help boost its effects.

We advise you to put aloe vera plants in all the rooms of the house. Thanks to them we will obtain a more restful sleep by achieving a cleaner and purer atmosphere.

4. The poto

The potus (Scindapsus aureus) is a very resistant plant that requires very bright exposures to keep all its foliage in good condition. If it lacks light, it loses the lower leaves and develops long, weak stems. You need water once or twice a week.

The same NASA study showed that potum has the property of cleaning the air of toxic substances such as formaldehyde. This substance is present in the paintings of the furniture and day by day it comes off.

However, it is necessary to know that it can become very toxic for our pets, so it is advisable to always keep it in high places.

5. Peace lily

plants to fall asleep

The peculiarity of the peace lily is that, according to some research, it  filters toxic substances from the environment. In this way it helps to purify the bedroom environment and, therefore, helps to facilitate rest.

If you want to have a peace lily in your room, put it in a warm corner where it doesn’t get a lot of light. It is advisable to water it with distilled water and enrich its soil with soluble fertilizers.

In addition, this plant welcomes mild temperatures above 18 degrees, so in summer, even if it holds outside, it is better to keep it indoors so that it does not suffer large variations in temperature throughout the year.

How can I fall asleep?

The space in which we sleep is very important to help us fall asleep, so it is advisable to pay attention to it. It is possible that if our room is messy, dirty, unventilated, etc., it costs us more to sleep at night.

In addition to putting a bit of order, these plants that we have recommended can help you relax and purify the environment in which you are going to sleep so that it is not so overloaded. Therefore, we encourage you to try them at home. You will see that I change!

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