5 Ways To Speed Up Your Metabolism

The metabolism is responsible for converting the nutrients in food into the energy needed to perform various tasks, such as pumping oxygen to the muscles during a long walk. In this article, we show you 5 ways to speed up your metabolism.

Many variables contribute to our metabolism, including heredity, gender, and age, as well as lifestyle habits. It is a variable that can be modulated, and this factor is key in determining success in a weight loss diet.

5 ways to speed up your metabolism

With the following tips you can increase your metabolism in order to improve the state of body composition.

Do more exercise

Running woman

By walking, running or doing cardiovascular exercise, we can accelerate the metabolism, thus burning calories and generating energy. The use of calories occurs while exercising and approximately, up to an hour after carrying it out, as stated in a study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

Exercising with weights

Based on a 1994 study, weight training would help reduce fat in the body, using it as fuel for training. In fact, in recent years this mechanism has been proposed as a basic pillar for weight loss.

Weight lifting would increase muscle mass and during exercise, metabolism would accelerate, consuming calories for energy. This belief is maintained until the present time, although it would be necessary to carry out further research in this regard. In any case, the priority for improving body composition continues to be strength work versus aerobic training.

Practice portion control

Woman who lost weight tries on pants

Although there is no significant research to prove this theory, this would supposedly help not to overload the metabolism with an unusable calorie surplus.

To do this, we recommend using a food scale or cups to measure and identify suitable portions. Of course, you can also use your hand as a guide.

One fist equals one serving of fruit, one cupped hand equals one serving of cereals or grains, two bunches equals one serving of green leafy vegetables, and one palm equals one serving of meat.

Similarly, some experts claim that there are certain substances capable of increasing metabolic function. An example would be capsaicin, present in spicy foods. This element is effective in terms of fat oxidation. It can even have a positive impact on reducing inflammation.

Eat smaller meals more often

While there is no scientific evidence to verify this popular claim, it is believed that eating small portions throughout the day would prevent us from starving and eating more than necessary at a single meal.

Eating smaller portions would help normalize blood sugar levels instead of producing three big spikes, something that happens when you eat three meals a day.

The first thing you should do is determine the number of calories you need each day, then keep that number in mind as you transition from eating three ordinary-size meals to five smaller ones.

However, there is also evidence that fasts can be beneficial. It all depends on how they are applied and the individual characteristics of each subject.

Laugh a lot

Woman laughing

Laughing would also speed up your metabolism, according to data from a study from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. The researchers placed study subjects in a “metabolic chamber” (a small room that measures heat production in order to calculate a person’s metabolic rate) and showed them humorous videos.

In conclusion, laughter was found to produce a 10–20% increase in energy expenditure and heart rate above resting values. This could mean that 15 minutes of laughter per day could increase energy expenditure by 10 to 40 kilocalories.

It is possible to speed up the metabolism

If you are looking for different ways to speed up your metabolism, we advise you to see your doctor. He better than anyone can recommend the best ways according to your needs and health.

It should be noted that the problem could not reside in lifestyle habits, but in an alteration of hormones. Thyroid-related pathologies can impact metabolism. In these cases, the only possible solution is the application of pharmacology, to correct the excess or the hormonal defect.

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