6 Tips For Not Gaining Kilos This Christmas

Dispense with alcoholic beverages or plan menus in advance can be of great help to avoid gaining extra kilos. In this way we will guarantee a good state of health.

The Christmas season brings with it many positive things. We share as a family, we take time to rest and we enjoy a wide variety of traditions that allow us to get out of the routine. However, some express concern about not gaining kilos. 

And, although we are aware that we can ingest more calories than we should, it is difficult for us to reject those delicious preparations that are only seen these days. This, added to physical inactivity and excessive alcohol consumption, can translate into weight gain that, in certain cases, spoils many of the efforts made the rest of the year.

For this reason, before starting the celebrations, it is good to know some tips that can help prevent this situation. Discover them!

1. Plan your meals so as not to gain extra kilos


On days other than the celebrations, you can maintain your regular diet. However, since you probably want something different on special dates, try to plan your meals in advance.

There are a wide variety of healthy Christmas dinner recipes that, unlike many traditional foods, don’t contain too many calories or simple sugars. Keep in mind that the latter have been shown to be responsible for the development of many complex pathologies, such as metabolic ones.

Discard the preparations with fried foods, cold cuts or sugar, and opt for those that include fruits, vegetables and lean meats.


  • Pasta or vegetable salads.
  • Sauteed vegetables.
  • Baked or grilled fish.
  • Chicken or turkey breast.
  • Fruit desserts.

Consider that you should choose healthy accompaniments to avoid overloading the plate. Try to make a good combination of foods to prevent indigestion.

2. Eat moderately, without regrets

It is not about losing control for the simple fact of being at Christmas. However , you should not forbid yourself foods you want, much less feel remorse.

If you want to enjoy and not gain kilos, keep  in mind the key is to eat moderately.

  • If you manage to eat small portions, you will satisfy the desire to eat and avoid that, later, anxiety leads you to make poor food choices.

3. Don’t skip main meals

Principal Food

These days it is very common for many to apply the false belief of “saving calories.”  Some choose to skip one of the main meals and later enjoy Christmas dinner or any other family gathering.

The truth is that this is still a mistake, since the usual meals must be respected. Stopping eating will lead to an increased sense of anxiety and can lead to overeating later.

  • Ideally, stick to the rule of eating three main dishes, in small portions, and, during additional meals, moderate the amounts.

Anyway, it is possible to propose certain intermittent fasting protocols. There is evidence that these strategies are able to stimulate weight loss. However, they must be supervised by a professional to ensure their proper functioning.

4. Choose healthy drinks

Don’t ruin your diet by consuming drinks loaded with sugars and calories. Industrial soft drinks, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages have everything to make us gain a few kilos.

Although many prefer them as companions, it is best to look for healthier alternatives so as not to overload the body. 

Not even soft drinks without added sugars are a good idea. This class of beverages have artificial sweeteners capable of affecting the health of the microbiota, according to a study published in Food Chemical Toxicology.


  • During the day try to consume between 6 and 8 glasses of water. This will help you control anxiety and facilitate the detoxification processes of your body.
  • Have a glass of red wine for dinner. It is a healthy drink that, in small amounts, does not gain weight.
  • Make cocktails and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Consume herbal teas and natural juices.

5. Stay active

not gain kilos

If you think about it, at Christmas time you have many opportunities to activate your body and put aside the sedentary lifestyle.

  • There is more time to adopt an exercise routine.
  • Take advantage of the company of your family and friends to do some sporting activity.
  • You can go for a walk or jog in the morning.
  • You can dance during the celebrations.

These, and many other physical activities, help increase the body’s energy expenditure and promote the burning of extra calories.

6. Listen to the body

Are you eating because you feel hungry or out of gluttony? The body always sends you signals when it has received enough “fuel”.

For this reason, and to avoid gaining weight, try to eat in small portions, until you feel full.

  • Enjoy all the dishes you want, always in the right measure. If you feel satisfied, do not eat even if it is offered to you.

Follow the tips to avoid gaining weight during Christmas

Ready to adopt your plan to keep the weight off this Christmas? Heed all the tips mentioned and enjoy these dates without fear of ruining your efforts to maintain a stable weight.

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