7 Permissions That You Must Give Yourself To Be Happier

To be happier you have to make decisions. Some will not be easy or can be done in a few days.

Today in our space we want to explain 7 permissions that you can give yourself to start those small daily revolutions. You are ready?

How can I be happier?

Surely you are used to reading the many self-help books designed to promote our personal growth. Its mission is to make us fitter in these complex worlds where sadness grips us, sometimes accompanied by helplessness.

However, it is not easy to start each of the proposals suggested by the great gurus of the world of self-help or happiness.

However, never forget that the main ingredients to achieve this are two: perseverance and determination. If we add motivation to them, we will achieve great achievements. However, it is best to start with the smallest things:

1. Give yourself the permission to choose well the people with whom you relate

woman with butterflies

Gone is that time of our adolescence where we accepted everything that came to us.

  • Maturity implies, first of all, learning to put filters  and knowing what is best for us. It also means having the courage to say “no” to someone who hurts us, takes away our peace or grips us with their frustrations.
  • Doing so is not an act of selfishness, but of personal well-being and a value that is worth putting into practice on a daily basis.

However, it is far from being a matter of being blunt or acting with inconsiderate firmness. The distance of those who do not like us is applied with respect and elegance.

2. To be happier, give yourself permission to understand your emotions.

Sometimes it is due to lack of time and other times because we do not recognize the great emotional abysses that imprison our person.

We must understand that, to be happy, it is necessary to attend to our emotional health.

  • Just as we take care not to eat too much fat, to go to the doctor when something hurts or to go to the gym to take care of our figure … What if we learn to manage our negative emotions?
  • Fear must be rationalized, anger is channeled, sadness crumbles to understand it, and emotional distress is faced with new thoughts and emotions. Feel free to attend to these private dimensions.

3. Give yourself permission to spend time

woman in a rose garden

More than a permit it could be considered as an obligation. And it is that the art of spending time, of immersing ourselves in our personal universes where we can shape our hobbies or simply enjoy doing nothing immersed in our thoughts, is also health.

Do not get lost in the rumor of obligations, in the train of the pressure of others or in the Ferris wheel to please everyone around you. Put the brake on the brake, open the door and breathe – spend some quality time.

4. Give yourself permission to love yourself as much as you deserve

You know that self-esteem is the pillar of well-being. However … How do you put into practice the healthy exercise of self-love?

Here are some examples to reflect on.

  • Say what bothers you when it bothers you and not when it’s late.
  • Your opinion is as good as anyone else’s.
  • The limits to your dreams are set by you, not by other people.
  • You have the right to be who you really are, to express yourself with sincerity, to be that person that some do not like.
  • Fall in love first with yourself, then with life and later with whoever you want.

5. Give yourself permission to learn from your mistakes

A mistake is not a swamp to avoid or a demon to never look at again. Failures, failures and disappointments are mirrors in which to look at each other to get to know each other much better.

If you feed the frustration of failure, you will not advance. The ideal is to accept what happened, understand it and break down what happened. Thus, you will learn from it and walk more safely knowing what things you should not repeat.

To be happy we must invest in self-knowledge and, for this, nothing better than knowing our limits and mistakes and overcoming them.

6. Give yourself permission to be more positive to be happier

Positivity has nothing to do with that unrealistic approach that is limited only to seeing the good version of things.

  • Optimism is an attitude that gives us confidence in ourselves and in what surrounds us.
  • Optimism is finding that inner strength with which to tell ourselves “nothing will be able to do with me, I am able to overcome adversity.”

7. Give yourself permission to create your happiness from new thoughts.

woman in a forest

Thoughts create emotions and behavioral emotions. So… How about we fine-tune our thinking focuses a bit more?

  • To be happier, we must purify limiting attitudes, learned fears, erroneous or harmful cognitions and negative thought patterns inherited from our family.

Becoming aware of all this can be, without a doubt, a great step to initiate change. If you really want to start living differently and be happier, don’t hesitate: think differently. Shall we start giving ourselves these simple vital and emotional permissions today?

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