7 Recommendations In Case Of Drowning Due To Water

In case of drowning in water, it is essential that once outside, we place the affected person on their side to prevent coughing from drowning

Many people often lose their lives due to various types of drowning. This becomes a relevant problem for society, which is why different alternatives have emerged to prevent and treat them. One of the most common is drowning caused by water, not only in children but in adults.

However, the most worrying thing is the reaction of other people to a probable episode of these. And it is that due to the ignorance that exists in this regard, those who suffer it can die.

What is water drowning?

Water drowning

As its name implies, this is the breathing impediment produced by excessive amounts of water. It is irrelevant that these are contaminated or natural, since in both cases it is dangerous for the body.

The main cases of water drowning occur in crowded places, such as beaches and swimming pools; Despite this, the reaction is late. The most affected are children and young people, especially for not complying with the suggestions made on these sites.

Although no state of drowning is normal or bearable, that caused by cold water can contribute to rescue agencies. The temperature of this allows to preserve the state of the central nervous system. Therefore, it allows more time for first aid care.

Based on the above, a series of recommendations arise that can save a life. We show them below.

Recommendations in case of water drowning

It is possible that nothing guarantees the well-being of an individual immersed in a similar situation. However, following the recommendations listed below can lead to a high probability of survival.

1. Keep calm

Staying calm is one of the most common tips. Not only in the face of water drowning, but in the presence of any emergency.

Panicking will not help  at all. In fact, altering the nerves fully affects the rest of the body’s abilities. Therefore it is necessary to breathe deeply to continue.

2. Find a specialized agency for help

Find a specialized agency for help for water drowning

The first method to get help is through cell phones. Either by applications or through calls to the emergency number of each country.

If you do not have a mobile device, we must remember the first recommendation: ask someone to seek help at the nearest perimeter.

3. Addressing the person affected by drowning

This recommendation is paramount. In particular, taking into account the life at risk of that person and of oneself.

To do this, it is necessary to approach soon, but with caution. This advice is essential and we must not forget it.

4. Take it out of the water

If you are still in the area where the problem occurred, you should get out of there as quickly as possible:

  • Whether in the pool or in the sea, the body should be positioned on its back,  with the spine, head and neck aligned. This will prevent injuries or worsen those that already exist in the body.
  • Once out of the water, we will place it on its side.

5. Check the status of the affected person

Drowning from water can cause partial or total loss of consciousness; not by having your eyes open must you have all your senses intact.

  • Therefore, first of all it is recommended to ensure the state of consciousness; a couple of questions are enough to do it.

For example: “What is your name?” or “How old is he?”; Asking you to cough voluntarily works too.

In case of coughing, it is obligatory to realize whether it expels water or not; if it does not, the person should lie down and bow their head to encourage proper expulsion. If the opposite happens, things will get better soon.

6. Heart massage and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

This recommendation is a bit more complex.  It should only be carried out if you have knowledge of first aid and if the person is totally unconscious.

If you are not sure about this type of suggestion, wait for the relief agencies. You don’t have to take that risk.

In the same way as with cardiac massage, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation can only be done if you are a professional and  if the patient needs it. Ideally, get help as soon as possible.

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