Make Your Own Natural Hypertonic Drinks

The so-called hypertonic, energy drinks or “energy drinks” are very fashionable. They are non-alcoholic drinks and endowed with certain stimulants such as caffeine or taurine, in addition to sugars that aim to combat fatigue.

But are they suitable for health? In general, these do not meet the requirements of soft drinks, nor of food or diet. 

Therefore, although they act as stimulants, we must be careful with their consumption, given the side effects that they can cause if we consume them in excess, or if we suffer from some type of ailment.

However, if you want to charge your body with energy, you should know that there are several natural hypertonic drinks without side effects. Let’s see it in detail! Not without first knowing what risk the consumption of this type of products has for your health. 

Health Risks of Hypertonic Drinks

First of all, limit your consumption

The main risk is in two substances: taurine and glucuronolactone. The first can affect our brain, while the second usually affects the kidneys.

Energy drinks carry some risks.

On the other hand, these types of drinks can cause intestinal problems. In addition, despite the fact that sometimes their labeling indicates that they have natural components, experts say that these are actually powerful diuretics, so we have to be careful.

Damage to the circulatory system

The composition of the “energy drinks” based on taurine, ephedrine, guanine and arginine, can pose a serious danger to people with coronary problems and other conditions.

Likewise, if we consume a lot of energy drinks we can suffer arrhythmias.

Make natural energy drinks

Once you know the consequences of taking these types of products, it is time for you to learn how to energize your body in a natural, healthy and simple way. Take note!

1. Coconut and spirulina drink

Coconut and spirulina become a recommended hypertonic drink.


  • 1 banana
  • 3 spinach leaves
  • 1 glass of cold water


  • We start by washing the spinach well, then peel the banana and take it to the blender with the spinach and a glass of fresh water.
  • We will try to obtain a very homogeneous juice. If we wish, we can add a few ice cubes, and even a teaspoon of honey. Thanks to this drink you will get an excellent composition based on potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

4. Infusion of ginger and turmeric

Infusion of ginger and turmeric.


  • 1 slice of fresh ginger and minced
  • A pinch of turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 glass of fresh water


  • The first thing is to wash and chop the ginger. Afterwards, we take it, together with the turmeric, to a cup of boiling water to obtain an infusion of these.
  • We will let it rest for 10 minutes and then we will filter the content.
  • Finally, we will add the tablespoon of honey and stir well. To obtain a fresher drink, we can add a glass of fresh water and ice cubes. These spices are energetic and very healthy, a peculiar flavor that will help improve your circulation and give you energy in a natural way.

Have you taken note of these natural hypertonic drinks? Which one do you prefer? Feel free to prepare them at home. In a short time you will notice its benefits and you will not have to endure the adverse effects of drinks of this type that are purchased in supermarkets. 

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