An Effective Trick To Remove Mold From Washing Machine Rubber

Removing mold from the washer rubber contributes to the proper functioning of this appliance. Although we ignore it, humidity and detergent residues create an environment conducive to the growth of these microorganisms in the appliance. As a result, bad odors appear on clothes and, many times, they are not as clean as we expect.

What to do about it? How to clean the rubber of the washing machine? Well, we must know that a regular cleaning of this appliance helps prevent mold from growing inside. Therefore, below we want to share a simple trick to leave it in optimal condition.

How to remove mold from washing machine rubber

You do not need to use harsh chemicals to remove mold from the rubber in your washing machine. While it is true that commercial disinfectants facilitate this task, some contain substances that are harmful to the health of those who use them.

Specifically, as explained through the American Lung Association , certain cleaners and disinfectants release volatile substances that cause irritation to the eyes, throat, and respiratory tract. In fact, some are associated with headaches and illness.

Therefore, when cleaning mold from the washing machine, it is recommended to use alternative ingredients that are not aggressive to health and are also kind to the environment. Are you interested in knowing them? Below we detail how to carry out this cleaning.

Remove mold from washer rubber


  • 1/4 of cup of lemon juice (62 ml)
  • 1 glass of hydrogen peroxide (200 ml)
  • 3 liters of water


  • First, add the lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide to a bucket with three liters of water.
  • Next, put on gloves and a mask to avoid inhaling mold spores.
  • Next, spray the product on the rubber of the washing machine, so that the joints and surroundings are also impregnated with the product.
  • After letting it sit for 3 to 5 minutes, use a cloth or towel to remove any mold residue. If the mold is too attached to the rubber, opt for a more abrasive sponge.
  • Follow the entire path of the rubber to make sure not a single trace of dirt remains.

Cleaning the washing machine drum and hoses

To clean mold from the entire washing machine, and not just from the rubber, it is important to ensure a good cleaning of its other parts, such as the drum and hoses. Fortunately, it can be done with the same product, in simple steps. We will detail it in the following space.

  • First, with the washing machine empty, incorporate the lemon product and hydrogen peroxide in the behavior of the detergent.
  • Next, program the washing machine and run a long cycle with hot water.
  • The ideal is to repeat this cleaning process once a week so that dirt and fungus does not accumulate.
Cleaning the washing machine drum and hoses

How to prevent mold growth on washer rubber

With the above mentioned trick it is possible to remove mold from the rubber of the washing machine. Its regular application can even prevent these fungi from proliferating. However, in addition to this, there are other measures that help prevent the presence of mold and bad odors in this appliance.

  • Choose suitable detergents. There are some presentations that are designed for washing in this appliance. It is best to choose them, since detergents with a lot of suds promote mold growth. Also, use only the right amount of detergent.
  • After the wash is finished, leave the washer doors open. This helps reduce the humidity level inside.
  • When the wash cycle is over, take your clothes out right away. This, among other things, prevents garments from smelling bad.
  • If possible, install a dehumidifier in the laundry area. Thus, by reducing the outside humidity, mold is less likely to form inside the washing machine.

    Request a regular technical review

    Ultimately, it is wise to remember the importance of a technical overhaul of the washing machine. Professionals will not only help give you a deeper clean, they will detect if there are any faults in your system. All of this together helps to extend the life of the appliance.

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