Vegetarian Diet: Guide For Beginners

Vegetarian and vegan food are based on the idea of ​​not taking products that come from animals, including or not eggs and dairy as appropriate. What characteristics does this diet have and how should we deal with it?

Vegetarian food is one that focuses on consuming only foods of plant origin. Includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, fresh and dried grains. Within the vegetarian diet is the vegan diet, which is one that excludes all foods of animal origin.

On the other hand, there is a branch of vegetarianism that includes the consumption of eggs and dairy products. It is a model of eating that has to do with an alternative and healthier lifestyle. Many people decide to be vegetarian due to the great benefits that this form of diet brings to health. Others decide to adopt this diet out of empathy and solidarity with the animal world or out of respect for the environment.

However, starting a vegetarian diet may not be that simple. Eating a wide variety of foods is essential to ensure that all nutritional needs are being met. Next, we will look at a vegetarian guide for beginners.

A beginner’s guide to a vegetarian diet

Beginner's guide to a vegetarian diet.

Start small

It may not be so easy to stop eating meat, fish, poultry, and other animal products. So you need to take it easy and transition little by little. Changing any habit is difficult at first. It is important to respect the own rhythm of each one. As the days go by, it will get easier and easier.

A good way to make this change is to start partially. For example, eat a vegetarian diet two or three days a week or part of the day. But if someone prefers to make the change radically, it is also possible. It all depends on personal preferences.

However, in case of doing it in one go, it is important to be patient in case of not respecting the rules and not feeling guilty. Remember that no one is perfect and that it is always possible to start over the next day.

The social environment

People who have decided to adopt a vegetarian diet are often questioned by their family and friends. It is important that you explain your reasons with enthusiasm and joy and say how good you feel. When we start this diet, there is no reason to try to convert others to this way of eating. This only leads to conflict and hostility.

When it comes to an invitation, the ideal is to make things as easy as possible. It is necessary to avoid that this new lifestyle becomes a problem for those who are going to prepare the food. A good way to start this diet is with something that can substitute for animal protein. Examples are vegetarian burgers or vegetable meats.

In this way it is possible to complete the protein intake necessary to enjoy good health. Meeting the requirements of this nutrient helps to avoid problems associated with old age such as sarcopenia, as stated by research published in the journal Nutrition Research.

Grocery shopping

Vegetarian Eating: A Beginner's Guide

When you are starting out on a vegetarian diet, grocery shopping is likely to become a challenge. However, many of a person’s favorite foods do not contain chicken, meat, or fish.

Shopping for the new pantry doesn’t have to be limited to fruits and vegetables. Legumes can add variety to preparations and make them more palatable. Remember that these foods are rich in fiber, the consumption of which is recommended by experts to improve the health of the intestinal microbiota.

Another ingredient that should not be missing in the purchases of new vegetarians are nuts, dried fruits and granola. There are also dairy and eggs, in case the chosen diet is not strict vegan.

There are also delicious plant-based options that substitute for meats. They are cruelty-free foods, rich and very easy to prepare. There are for example vegetarian chicken nuggets, vegetarian sausages, egg derivatives or meatless hamburgers, among many others.

A balanced diet

Delicious salads with healthy quinoa

To be sure that the vegetarian diet you are starting provides the body with all the nutrients necessary for its proper functioning, it is enough to follow some recommendations. The first is to eat a wide variety of foods, of all colors.

On the other hand, if the new diet leaves us tired and without energy, it may be because not enough calories are being consumed. It is not enough to eat fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to also consume nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and healthy oils.

Optimize the vegetarian diet for better health

Therefore, following a vegetarian diet also has some possible risks that you should assess. Consult your nutritionist or doctor if you have questions before starting a vegetarian diet. Remember that in this type of restrictive diets supplementation is necessary to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

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