8 Tips To Create Strong Friendships

If you are not sure what a true friendship is like, write down the following tips. Being a good friend is a matter of wanting to see the other person happy.

Talk about friendly relationships  strong is a subject as extensive as love. Both are about the inevitable need we have to be close to other people and share life and experiences.

However, the only difference between friendship and love is carnal passion, although sometimes friendship is even more important. This is because with friends we can create stronger and more lasting bonds than with some couples . How to do it? Here are some tips to help you achieve it.

Why do we need strong friendships?

The human being is social. That is, he needs to live with others like him to enrich himself with knowledge and share the good and the bad of life. .

Each one is independent. But, as the specialist José L. Zaccagnini from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Malaga explains, through strong friendships we can get to know each other better and compensate for the shortcomings we have. Which influences, ultimately, when it comes to achieving happiness and personal well-being.


In this way, it cannot be denied that a good friend helps us in:

  • Emergency cases, such as health problems.
  • As a company on occasions of loss of family and other friends.
  • With advice and support during emotional conflicts.
  • To achieve the achievement of certain  goals.
  • To see beyond in situations that block thinking.
  • Make calls for attention that others may find it difficult, and that you need.

What does it take to create strong friendships?

Anyone has the skills to create strong friendships. However, for some it may be more complex than for others due to their personal experiences and conditions.

If we are not sure what we need, let’s take note of the following tips :

1. Have physical and verbal respect

There can be no healthy relationship without respect. In both love and friendship, this is a premise that should not be violated. 

In strong friendships you don’t yell, you don’t get offended, and even less you hit yourself. In this line of exemplary behavior, l It is normal for conflicts to be resolved by talking after having calmed down.

2. Be generous

In strong friendship relationships, it is common for one to give more than the other or, where appropriate, to show more affection.

However, this should not be a reason to get in trouble or feel slighted. A real friendship must be born of wanting to give the best of oneself towards the other person.

3. Learn to listen

A true friend listens with attention to the other. Because, to Before giving a point of view, it is necessary to know exactly what the situation is .


Mastering the art of listening will not only help us create strong friendships. In addition, it will also be important to improve in the workplace, and it will help us to relate to the different people around us. 

4. Respect spaces

Those who create solid friendships keep a prudent distance from areas where it is not necessary to be or comment.

Nor should someone be considered a friend just because they are capable of sacrificing those places they like to suit us. Sincere friendship does not condition .

5. Have good wishes

A sincere friendship  wishes the best for the other. A good friend will want to see you happy and will do what is necessary to share or increase positive experiences.

Feelings like envy, jealousy, and negative attitudes should be out of the relationships we have with friends. Let’s remember that a good friend can help you grow personally as well as professionally.

6. Prioritize

In friendship relationships, agreements are made without signing a paper. However, it is important to seek balance; since we cannot give all the time and attention to a friend. But we can’t put it aside either.time with friends

We will express the point of view or discontent that we have when we consider it necessary, but always with respect . Remember that friendship is established without conditions.

8. Take care of the details to have true friendships

There are different ways to show true friendship. Sometimes life takes us away from friends, but we must not let that destroy the relationship. Small acts like phone calls or a surprise visit can maintain and strengthen that friendship.

Don’t we have friends? Learn to create strong and lasting friendships

According to a study published by the Journal of the College of Psychology ;  If we do not have friends, the ideal is that, honestly, we analyze the behaviour that we have . Sometimes, we put up barriers so that others do not approach us (either with our attitudes or way of being). 

It is necessary to be honest, first, with ourselves, before participating in the lives of others. Strong friendships will be difficult to form if we are not okay first. This is because they require a solid foundation.

Likewise, forms of personal interaction require a sincere commitment. to carry them out; aiming at the happiness of the parties involved. Remember that no It will be the same to go through life alone as in the company of good friends with whom to share.

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