Pineapple Homemade Syrup To Combat Cough And Inflammation

Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and thanks to its juice we can alleviate different respiratory conditions. By combining it with other natural ingredients such as ginger, we get a remedy rich in antioxidants.

Homemade pineapple syrup can help ease a cough, one of the most annoying and common symptoms that people can experience. This can occur as a defense mechanism of the body against the attack of viruses and other microorganisms that attack the respiratory system.

Bronchitis, asthma, or viral infections such as the flu and cold are leading causes of this condition. However, it can also be due to the consumption of certain medications or allergies that are caused by exposure to pollution.

In most cases, syrups and other remedies are used to control it, especially during rest hours. But  it is not always necessary to take pharmaceutical treatments.

There are 100% natural products that, due to their properties, support your recovery. In this case, we teach you how to make a homemade pineapple syrup that helps calm inflammation and control coughing.

Why is pineapple effective against coughing?

A large part of the benefits of pineapple are due to its high content of a digestive enzyme known as bromelain. This acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiviral, ideal for reducing the presence of harmful microorganisms in the body.

It is said that it can be up to five times more effective than cough syrups. This is so because it  contains about 50% of the daily requirement of vitamin C for each cup of juice. Vitamin necessary to maintain a good immune response and thus prevent various diseases.

It also contains significant levels of manganese, a mineral that supports the health of bones and major tissues. Its function is decisive for an adequate absorption of calcium, the function of the nervous system and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

Benefits of pineapple for respiratory conditions

Natural juice has also been valued as a strong natural anti-inflammatory. It is capable of treating serious conditions such as arthritis, sinusitis, and symptoms such as a sore throat and nasal congestion.

Due to this, its consumption has long been promoted as a supplement to alleviate conditions that attack the respiratory system. For this purpose it can be prepared as a syrup combined with other healthy ingredients such as ginger, pepper, honey and lemon juice.

As a result , a powerful drink rich in antioxidants is obtained, ideal to replace commercial syrups and obtaining additional health benefits.

How to prepare homemade pineapple syrup to combat cough and inflammation?

The preparation of this homemade pineapple syrup is very simple and does not require too expensive ingredients. Of course, it is important to clarify that pineapple juice must be natural, since commercial ones usually come loaded with sugars and other additives that make it lose its properties.

As for honey, it is also good to look closely at the label. Industrial-type presentations usually come that are made with sugars and other chemicals that do not have the same properties as natural. With this clear, just follow the steps that we leave below :


  • 1 fresh pineapple
  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • 4 tablespoons of raw honey (100 g)
  • ¼ cup of fresh lemon juice (62 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper (2 g)


  • To start, peel the pineapple and pass it through an extractor to get a cup of its natural juice. In case of not having an extractor it can also be obtained with a blender.
  • When ready, add the juice to the blender glass and add the rest of the ingredients : grated ginger root, raw honey, lemon juice and pepper.
  • Process everything for a few moments and serve it very fresh.

Consumption mode

Woman using natural pineapple syrup for cough

To combat cough and problems related to inflammation, the dose should be distributed to two or three times a day. A quarter cup every 6 hours is fine.

It can also be ingested as a preventive remedy.  To do this, it is enough to take the same dose two or three times a week.

In short, homemade pineapple syrup, or just the juice, is a great solution to relieve coughs and other annoying symptoms caused by lung conditions. It is worth preparing it to see that it is even more effective than other types of remedies for the same purpose.

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