6 Reasons To Appreciate The Differences With Your Partner

In everyday life it is possible that, in some circumstances, differences cause conflicts in the relationship, after all, everyone has their way of thinking, feeling and acting. However, for some people, differences are an advantage in a relationship. For example, if one is calmer and the other is more energetic, this may be what draws them to each other, making them attractive and even inspiring. The calm of one inspires a positive recollection in the other, and the energy of one motivates the other to enjoy more freely.

Eric Ramírez (Leunam), Mexican writer and psychoanalyst, wrote something that, for some inveterate romantics, may be part of their reality:

With this idea in mind, here are 6 reasons to appreciate the differences with your partner.

1. Differences can add up

Did you think that all the differences were cause for discussion, dispute and rupture? Perhaps you should rethink this idea, as there are many scenarios in which a difference does not subtract from the relationship, but adds. Let’s look at a very simple example.

If you do not like cooking, but you do not mind washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, but your partner is the opposite, then there is a difference that can help you to coexist harmoniously, and to distribute the loads easily, as in a good teamwork .

The differences can add up even in bed. For this reason, many couples complement each other so well in their intimate encounters. While one raises the temperature in one way, the other raises it in another, and between them they achieve an explosion of exquisite passion.

2. Different ways of managing stress can help both of you cope with difficult situations.

Faced with certain factors, everyone reacts in a different way. And while it is true that there may be some similarities, in the end, each person is a world. But that doesn’t necessarily have to be a source of stress!

In a dating relationship, different ways of managing stress and emotions can be beneficial. Just as the ability of one can help the other in a time of need (and vice versa), the way of coping with a situation of one can help the other manage it better, within their means.

Have you learned anything from your partner about coping with stress? You may have inadvertently done it on more than one occasion.

3. The skills your partner has complement yours and vice versa

It may be that your partner has a great facility to organize (and enjoy!) A dinner for 6 people without having to stress or be overwhelmed by the result, but it may cost you a little more. This does not have to be a problem, on the contrary, as we have been commenting previously, it can be quite an advantage. Not only to take tips for your own personal growth, but to open yourself to other ways, other ways, release tension and enjoy.

Have you considered that while your partner is organizing that amazing dinner and preparing everything, you could set the table and then help him to tidy up kitchen ? Or if not necessary, perhaps you can offer to take care of the board games or some other type of entertainment to make the evening enjoyable and memorable for everyone. Don’t be left with just one option! The idea is that you look for the best way (the one that is most comfortable for each of you) to make everything work harmoniously and to enjoy the moment.

4. The “shifts” can be better distributed

Couple forming a heart with their hands.

Your partner may have no difficulty handling awkward conversations with neighbors or even family members, while you may have an easier time handling details on special occasions, like birthdays, for example.

A partner willing to do something that you are not very good at can be a support and an asset at the same time. In addition, it can be key to getting ahead of situations that would otherwise keep you static.

Many relationships can end abruptly because they did not learn to adapt and respect certain behaviors . Instead of being one of the statistics, why don’t you stop for a moment to try to understand the reason for his action? It is very likely that you will discover a good cause. If not, perhaps you will discover a new way of doing things reconciling both points of view.

5. The gestures of one sweeten the other

You partner prepares you sandwiches in a way that you find particularly delicious while you are an expert in giving that comforting hug at the end of a long day at work? Those differences also add up and make their daily lives much sweeter and more beautiful.

Sometimes we fixate on things like “I made you a sandwich, why didn’t you make me one the next day?” And we do not take into account that perhaps, it is not typical of the other person to correspond with the same gesture, but with many others. 

The next time you find yourself with your partner doing something in their own way, stop and give yourself the opportunity to analyze and assess what they can offer instead of what they “did not offer” as you expected.

6. Differences can be very inspiring!

Do you admire your partner for the ability he has to believe in himself and how he is faithful to his ideas?  Does it also bother you that he is a stubborn person and does not give up until he is one hundred percent sure that he cannot do something? It is very common for what suddenly bothers you to be directly related to something that you love about that person. So, the next time you get mad at a specific gesture, stop and think if that is really as bad as it seems. 

It is not about dismissing those differences with your partner that bother you. It’s about seeing things in the middle, rather than going to the extremes. This is important if you really want a relationship to work. Not everything is black and white!

When you learn to value differences that make you unique, you can enjoy many more moments. It’s all about appreciating the best that each one has to give and getting the most out of it.

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