7 Tips To Avoid Getting Fat During These Christmas Holidays

One of the keys to not gaining weight during the Christmas holidays is to try to balance meals and raise awareness to chew each bite well and not eat with anxiety.

The Christmas holidays are approaching, and with them the excesses of food and drink. These make us fat and feel guilty after each feast. However, we should not take it as a sacrifice, but rather try to have fun and enjoy the food. It is possible to do it with common sense and some good advice.

In this article we give you 7 tips to maintain weight this holiday season while still savoring Christmas recipes.

1. Drink water before meals

There is a very simple trick to always maintain a balanced weight that consists of drinking a glass of water half an hour before meals. This helps us to activate the digestive function and to eat with less anxiety, in a calmer way.

In addition, drinking water on an empty stomach and outside of meals cleanses the body and activates the metabolism to burn more calories. The ideal would be to drink a liter and a half of water a day to avoid gaining weight. In the same way, to combat fluid retention that also makes us gain weight.

2. Chew food well

How can we control ourselves if we have in front of a great variety of appetizers and succulent dishes, but also very caloric? Instead of obsessing over not eating, what we can do is focus on chewing each bite thoroughly. Chewing food until it is almost liquid helps us digest it better, fill ourselves up earlier and eat less.

3. Know how to choose so as not to gain weight

Knowing how to choose food is essential in order not to gain weight.

Whenever we have the possibility to choose between several different dishes, we will opt for those that are not fried, that do not have sauces or that include vegetables. Nor do we recommend abusing those that are made with flour and dairy. We recommend opting for:

  •  Salads
  • Sauteed vegetables
  • Baked or grilled seafood and fish
  • Fruit desserts

If we are going to prepare the food ourselves, we can offer many of these dishes that everyone will like and, in addition, they will not feel heavy. We will place the appetizers or caloric dishes further away from us, so as not to have them so close and avoid temptations.

4. Balance meals

Although there are several days of parties and banquets, we have the possibility of balancing meals throughout the day. That is, if we have a celebratory meal at noon, we will try to have breakfast and a light dinner, but without going hungry.

Green smoothies or fruit salads are excellent for breakfast, while for dinner we can prepare soups, vegetable creams, omelets or baked apple.

5. Digestive and cleansing infusions

These days we can begin to take infusions of medicinal plants with digestive and cleansing properties. This way we can better assimilate food and eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body due to an unhealthy diet. If our digestive system works correctly, it will be much easier for us to maintain the right weight and not gain weight.

We recommend taking the following infusions:

  • Dandelion: Excellent cleanser of the liver, kidneys and intestines.
  • Milk thistle: Ideal for improving liver function.
  • Melissa: Plant with digestive and calming properties, very suitable to avoid anxiety about eating.

6. Baking soda and vinegar to compensate

A very simple and inexpensive remedy to lose weight more easily and to combat the usual heaviness these days after meals is the mixture of baking soda and apple cider vinegar with water.


  • A glass of water (200 ml)
  • One tablespoon of pure, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • A pinch of edible baking soda


  • We will combine all the ingredients well and we will take this preparation once a day, either on an empty stomach or before or after eating.
  • It is important that you always be at least half an hour away from the next meal.

7. Homeopathic remedy for excesses

There is a homeopathic remedy that is recommended to prevent and combat excess food and drink, as well as its effects on our body. It is ideal to improve the function of the liver and the intestine after the fullness.  We can take it before or after meals.

The remedy is Nux Vomica 9 CH, in granules. We will take 3 granules three to five times a day, always separated from any food, drink or strong or menthol flavors (toothpaste, gum, etc.).

By following these little tricks you can reduce those extra kilos that we usually take at Christmas. Do not hesitate to put them into practice.

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