Modern Parenting Puts A Straitjacket On Children

Modern parenting is responsible for analyzing and organizing every detail of the life of the little ones. There is no scope to improvise, enjoy or live like a true child.

It is true that children learn much faster. It is a fundamental stage to retain many things that will serve you in the future.

However, there is something that is much more important: being happy.

Modern parenting limits

In modern upbringing, parents are primarily responsible for ensuring that their children do not fully enjoy their childhood.

Through tedious extracurricular classes, through the terrible routine, the little ones quickly learn what it is to have responsibilities, a marked schedule and little (or no) leisure time.

Education is prioritized or, rather, the internalization of concepts, while leaving aside the development of the person.

Children are not bored, it is true; However, boredom, gambling and having time to lose it are three things that adults see badly, but that allow creativity to develop.

A creativity that, perhaps, they will demand of their children tomorrow at work. A quality that is very well seen and, nowadays, very necessary.

However, if from a very young age everything is rules and organization, if they don’t play now, when will they?

The characteristics of choking parents

As parents, we sometimes do not realize that we are making children live the way we do. So soon have we forgotten our own childhood?

For this reason, it is important that we do a little self-criticism, to identify ourselves with this type of parents who suffocate, who suffocate and who organize the day to day or the life of their children.

  • They control the lives of their children. At this time he has soccer, the other English class, afternoon snack at six … There is no margin for not knowing what to do, to be distracted and not think about anything.

Everything is organized, down to the smallest detail.

  • They forget about their children’s dreams. It doesn’t matter what they want. They must conform to what their parents want.

For example, it matters little if you don’t like those guitar lessons. Since one of the parents could not study this instrument in his day, he makes his son fulfill his own dream.

  • Values ​​become doctrines that cannot be doubted or reflected upon. These parents do not tolerate their children thinking differently from them.
  • Children are not seen as people, but as valuable possessions that must be molded in their image and likeness so that they will be successful tomorrow.

The freedom of the little ones

We must allow children to be free. That they investigate, that they enhance their curiosity. Also that they can get bored, distracted, play and learn from their relationships with others.

If there is one thing we should never do, it is to prevent the child from thinking for himself, from believing that everything we say to him is true and that he cannot reflect or have a contrary opinion.

If there is something that as adults we know, it is that the world is not seen in the same way by everyone and that the diversity of points of view and opinions enriches it.

Let’s not seek to raise perfect children. Let our children make mistakes, learn from their mistakes, fall and get up, discover what they like and enhance it.

But most of all, let’s give our kids lots of love, spend quality time with them, and do fun things.

Let’s never throw an illusion or a dream down because of our beliefs and prejudices. If your child wants to do ballet, let him do it! If you want to sing or ride a horse, do it.

We are not to limit them, that is useless. They have to experiment and live as long as possible.

Who knows what the future holds. We do know what the present will bring. A place full of love, understanding, fun and joy.

Let’s not suffocate our children. Let’s not practice modern breeding. Let them be free.

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