Do You Know The Advantages Of Dancing?

Dancing is a very beneficial activity for your physical and emotional health. Give it a try, you are sure to like it.

When you take advantage of the advantages of dancing, you learn to work as a team, among many other things. You know that your success is only possible if the other shines with you.

Dancing, regardless of technique, responds to instinct. Have you ever felt how you let yourself go when you feel the rhythm of music? As the famous dancer, Isadora Duncan put it: “Dance is not only the transmission of a technique but also a deep vital impulse”

It is not about being perfect, it is about having fun, feeling good and learning to know our body. If you are one of those who does not dare to dance out of shame or fear, do not be discouraged. In dance you can always find alternatives. And they all bring a number of important benefits.

Discover the advantages of dancing

Improves circulation and lowers cholesterol

Advantages of dancing: improves circulation and reduces cholesterol

Dancing is an exercise in endurance. Thus,  our heart works with a greater intensity than usual. This allows our blood to circulate more fluidly.

At the same time, that ease of movement  favors the burning of fat and with it, the cholesterol that clogs our arteries is eliminated. Thus, we manage to reduce the risk of coronary or cerebrovascular diseases.

Helps us lose weight

This is one of the most sought-after advantages of dancing. Whether we like it or not, the image matters a lot to us, especially the question of weight. As we said, we get rid of that fat that leads us to fight with the scale.

However, by moving the whole body, we lose weight while toning. This means that we  avoid excess mass and flaccidity. We will therefore have a healthy appearance, beyond making ourselves look slim.

Strengthens bones

When we dance,  we use all of our bone structure. Outside of the gym and sports, it is impossible to find another activity as necessary for our body as dance.

Therefore, it is highly recommended for everyone, but especially for middle-aged people who are at risk of osteoporosis.

Develop creativity

Dancing involves balance and movement. Dance includes moving and wiggling different parts of your body and in different ways at the same time. Thus, it requires that we master it with a precision that few disciplines require.

On the other hand, it forces us to think in a very unusual way. When you dance, you shake your body in time with the music, so that your oscillations correspond to its pulse, but how do we do it?

We let ourselves be carried away by intuition and it leads us to success. Thus, we become uninhibited and familiar with creative thinking. When our brain gets used to it, it extrapolates that learning and applies it to other areas.

In summary, we can say that one of the advantages of dancing is that it encourages the development of our creative being.

Maximize memory

Advantages of dancing: maximizes memory

Dance classes revolve around a choreography. Little by little, you learn steps that are incorporated into your body language.

The benefits of his practice are surprising in the short term. Not only because it improves your mood and when you sleep, you rest much better, but because in the medium term you are already able to memorize a routine after observing it and practicing it a few times or a little more.

It reduces stress

We are talking about an eminently fun activity. Consequently, when we practice it,  our brain releases endorphins and serotonin. The hormones of well-being and happiness.

In this sense, dancing is very effective in combating depression and loneliness. We can enjoy dancing with other people. Thus, we avoid that feeling of isolation that stressed and depressed people have.

Teaches teamwork

Advantages of dancing: teaches teamwork

In general, you dance with other people, with whom you just have to understand with a glance. The bodies must be fully synchronized and that can only be achieved with joint work and consensus.

Even though there are those who carry more weight in the choreography, this must be based on an agreement. Otherwise, if there are power struggles, desires to stand out above the other, the dance fails.

In this way, we learn that, by dancing, the result transcends us despite our desire to excel. And we understand that we are part of a whole and that we depend on each other. If one falls, the other falls too. If your partner makes a mistake, the mistake affects you and vice versa.

Considering the advantages of dancing, if the sport doesn’t suit you, would you give it a try? Would you tell us if you did? We would love!

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