12 Nighttime Habits That Make You Gain Weight

Even if you don’t relate them, it is likely that at night you make some of these mistakes, or have any of these attitudes that make you gain weight without realize.

What nighttime habits make you gain weight? Often times, you have certain habits that unknowingly cause you to gain weight. For this reason, you may notice that you eat the same as other people and yet gain more weight.

If you want to take care of yourself and avoid increasing measures unnecessarily, take note of these night habits that make you gain weight.

12 nighttime habits that make you gain weight

You may be surprised to discover some acts that unintentionally make you gain weight. Next, we inform you about those that are most frequent. Take aim!

1. Sleep little, one of the night habits that make you gain weight

Getting too little sleep can make you gain weight. And it is that this habit, according to a study carried out by several researchers at the University of Texas, will end up slowing down the metabolism. In addition, it will make you hungrier and increase the amount of cortisol that the body is capable of producing.

Little sleep makes you gain weight

To all this we must add that you will exercise less because you will be tired. So try to get seven to eight hours of sleep a day.

2. Large dinners

Eating a lot of dinner will also make you gain weight. And is that if you eat heavy in the last meal of the day, digestion will be slower.

In addition, having dinner watching TV can also make you eat more ; since you do not realize the amount of food you eat. Having control over it will be essential.

3. Go to bed after dinner

Going to sleep right after dinner won’t help either. And it is that this habit will make you accumulate more fat and will cause that, in the end, you do not do digestion well.

For this reason, it is recommended to have dinner an hour and a half or two hours before going to sleep to avoid this. And if you can’t make this effort, at least choose light and easily digestible foods.

4. Dinner fried

Eating fried is not recommended, as they provide calories that you will not burn. You gain more fat and, in addition, all this will make you not sleep well.


The best thing is that you choose healthier options to stay at the right weight. It’s okay to add some fats, but keep them healthy. For example, choose to incorporate foods such as avocado, some nuts or eggs.

5. Drink spicy at night

Including spicy in the last meal of the day is not recommended either. If you go overboard with the amount of spices, you may have poor digestion ; and this will make you not rest well.

Also, since you will spend many hours afterwards without consuming anything, it can cause heartburn. So avoid this type of food at dinner and try to eat spicy at another time of day.

6. Consume carbohydrates

The main function of carbohydrates is to provide an amount of energy that, at that time of day, you are not going to consume. In addition, they have refined sugars that must be burned immediately or they will turn into fat.

Therefore, choose better foods that contain protein and healthy fats. And accompany them with a good portion of vegetables in the form of salads, soups, creams, etc.

For example, a good idea is suggested by the following experiment collected by the Nutrition Journal . In this one, several women were asked to snack on yogurt instead of consuming chocolate or crackers. The test results were clear:

7. Beware of desserts

Sugar and white flour accumulate in the cells as fat, and they are not recommended at night; since you won’t burn those calories. Therefore, it is best to opt for fruits, which are natural sweets.

If you have to treat yourself on time, do it during breakfast or lunch. In this way, you will not hold back your desire; but you won’t gain that much weight either.

8. Chopping, the recognized nighttime habit that makes you gain weight

If you’ve already eaten, don’t snack again later (just before bed or during the night). The only thing you get from this is overeating and taking in unnecessary calories.

Insatiable desire to eat

You receive extra energy that will keep you alert and that you will not actually consume, which can end up translating into extra kilos. Rather, try to have balanced and complete dinners that make you feel satiated.

9. Skipping dinner is not a habit that will make you lose weight

Remember that not having dinner is not the solution. And it is that by skipping this meal, you can only  reduce weight loss; as it slows down the metabolism.

In this way, the next meal you will be hungrier (as an article published by the International Journal of Obesity explains ). In addition, it can cause you anxiety; causing you to lose muscle and gain sagging.

10. Drink alcohol or caffeine

Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine; They are products that disturb sleep and also contain calories. Thus, the only thing you will achieve is to gain weight and change the rhythm of rest.

What to know about caffeine

Instead, opt for a glass of hot water or milk. You can also include a vegetable drink, we especially recommend the almond one. This way, you won’t have to give up a whim.

11. Use the mobile phone and the computer, among the night habits that make you gain weight

The blue light and radiofrequency waves emitted by these devices alter sleep ; so, in the end, they can make you fat. What did you not imagine this risk of the computer and the mobile phone?

It is best to turn them off at least one hour before going to sleep. In your case, reading a book or listening to relaxing music before going to bed will make you fall asleep better.

12. Going to bed too late

And it is that sleeping after 1 in the morning makes you gain weight; since it is not the natural cycle of the body. You will want to eat something again at dawn, since you will already be hungry since you ate dinner.

Thus, in the end, you will be ingesting more calories than you should. Avoid it by going to bed before this time.

Modify these nighttime habits that make you gain weight

Now that you have discovered which are the most common habits that make you gain weight without wanting to, it is time to put an end to them. In this way, you will achieve a better rest; at the same time that you will not consume so many unnecessary calories.

Add these tips to a balanced diet and routine. Tomorrow, your health will thank you. 

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