How To Prevent And Combat Indigestion

Baking soda, chamomile and ginger are just some of the substances capable of improving stomach health. Find out in this article.

Given the symptoms of indigestion, it is best to go to the doctor to determine the true causes for which this condition has occurred. And, even more so, if it is repeated very often.

However, to help combat indigestion we can also resort to certain home remedies that can be very useful at some point, mainly as a complement to medical treatment.


Indigestion can occur for a number of reasons. Among them is having eaten in excess or because the body does not tolerate some foods and this is the way to make it noticed.

Indigestion symptoms can be mild or very strong.  They can include abdominal pain, a feeling of heaviness, reflux, excess gas and, in addition, loss of appetite.


When identifying the food causing the problem, it is best not to eat it again and to remove it from the diet immediately. However, while we suffer from indigestion, the most recommended is to eat some other food that provides a good amount of fiber. In this way, we will facilitate digestion.

Home remedies to combat indigestion

Remember that the following home remedies cannot substitute for medical treatment. Therefore, consult your professional to find out the causes of your indigestion and adopt the most appropriate measures for the case.

Lemon and baking soda

To relieve stomach indigestion caused by a large or very irritating meal, we can resort to this simple and inexpensive home remedy:

  • You should take a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of baking soda. This home remedy should not be consumed frequently, as bicarbonate taken in excess can be harmful.

Chamomile and mint

Another recognized natural remedy to treat this problem is herbal tea. In particular, chamomile or mint (whose effects have been scientifically proven). In addition, it is very simple to prepare, according to traditional recipes:

  • As a first step, a cup of water is boiled, the fire is turned off and two tea bags are immediately placed in it.
  • Then you let it sit for five minutes and drink it calmly.
  • Immediately your stomach will feel much more relaxed.


To alleviate indigestion you can also resort to chewing some candied ginger. This product can be effective  in improving stomach problems.

  • This presentation can be easily found in stores specialized in natural products or in large supermarkets. Plus, it’s spicy and delicious.

candied ginger for indigestion


A mixture of seeds to chew after a heavy meal can prevent indigestion. Some of the most used by traditional medicine are anise, dill, fennel and caraway.

  • Equal portions of each should be taken. After mixing them very well, they are slowly chewed.

Keys to prevent indigestion

Again, remember that the ones we present here are just a few healthy habits, but they cannot replace your doctor’s instructions under any circumstances. According to the sources previously cited, these are some useful alternatives to prevent indigestion:

Just before the meal

  • One of the most popular measures to avoid gas and reflux is to drink a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (with proven digestive effects) sweetened with honey. It should be taken half an hour before meals.
  • Divide the food to eat five to six times a day, in small portions.
  • Identify foods that cause indigestion and avoid them.

    During the meal

    • Do not eat foods that are very high in fat and very spicy.
    • Try to cut out the consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee.
    • Eat slowly, calmly, chew well each of the foods that are consumed at each meal. And, above all, try not to speak during meals, since in this way you avoid swallowing air and therefore the annoying gases are not formed.
    • During meals it is advisable not to consume carbonated drinks. This could cause discomfort such as a feeling of heaviness and reflux.

    After eating

    • A very useful tip to prevent this problem is not to do any type of exercise on a full stomach. Nor should we consume large amounts of food or go to bed right after eating.
    • If you have the habit of smoking, you have to do everything possible to avoid it, or at least reduce consumption.

    Other factors

    • It is very important to learn to handle situations that cause stress. This is one of the main factors that can cause and trigger poor digestion.
    • Another key has to do with very tight clothing. These could prevent proper digestion, as your stomach is too tight. However, recent studies confirm that its effects are limited more than anything to the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.

    With the previous keys you can avoid many problems caused by poor digestion. In addition, they are not difficult to implement. Therefore, they will be of great help to many people who frequently suffer from this type of inconvenience.

    It is worth remembering that if, despite following these simple steps, the problems continue, it is best to see a specialist. Behind these symptoms, a much more complicated health problem may be hiding. The best thing in that case is to find out in time what it is.

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