Olive Penguins And Other Original Recipes

Your child’s birthday or christening is approaching and you want to offer a fun menu, especially for the little ones. Or maybe your children don’t want to eat vegetables and you don’t know what to invent anymore. We teach you how to prepare olive penguins and other original recipes for special moments.

Original recipes: olive penguins

They are really very nice and rich, the little ones will eat them in a matter of minutes. The good news is that they don’t take long to prepare, so you won’t be too sorry to be eaten so quickly. They can be perfect skewers for a birthday party or for the children’s menu at a meeting with friends.

Ingredients (for 10 penguins)

  • 20 black olives boneless
  • 2 carrots
  • 100 g cream cheese
  • Garlic powder, salt and black pepper to taste


  1. Drain the olives and separate by size: the largest on one side, the smallest on the other.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut into thin slices.
  3. Mix the cream cheese with the garlic powder and season.
  4. With a sharp knife, cut a triangle into each carrot slice.
  5. Make an end-to-end incision in the large olives and fill with a little cream cheese (you can use a piping bag or a teaspoon).
  6. Prick the olive with a toothpick and stick to the carrot base (the slice without the triangle).
  7. To make the head, use the small olives, to which you will make a small cut where you can insert the carrot triangle, which will act as a beak.
  8. Insert the head on top of the body and voila, you have your finished olive penguins.
  9. Refrigerate until serving time.

Toast with faces

Toast with faces

If children always create a scene at lunchtime, you have to look for original and fun recipes that attract a lot of attention. This idea is nice, rich and healthy.


  • Slices of round bread
  • Cream cheese
  • Lettuce, tomato, pepper, carrot, olive, onion and everything that serves to form the faces


  1. Toast the breads and spread with cream cheese.
  2. Using the available ingredients, make faces of a monkey, a toad, a dog, a cat and a favorite character. Let your imagination fly!

Olive snake


  • 5 olives per snake
  • Carrot
  • Cream cheese


  1. Join the pitted olives side by side to form the body of the snake.
  2. Cut a small carrot strip to make the tongue and with two dots of cream, recreate the eyes.

Shortcrust pastry roses and ham


  • Broken dough into strips
  • Ham slices


  1. Roll out the shortcrust dough strips and cut the ham slices the same size.
  2. Roll so that the dough is on the outside and the ham on the inside.
  3. Cook over moderate heat until the dough is golden brown.
  4. You can join several rolls and form a beautiful bouquet of edible flowers.

Cheese bees and olives

Following a bit the penguin trend, these little bees are very easy and tasty. Your kids sure love them.


  • Pitted black olives
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Mozzarella
  • Cream cheese or mayonnaise


  1. Cut the olives into slices and the cheddar cheese to the same size.
  2. Prick with a toothpick first a slice of olive, then one of cheese, then another of olive, another of cheese and finish with an olive.
  3. Cut circles (2 per bee) of mozzarella cheese and “glue” behind to form wings.
  4. With a little more cream cheese, form the eyes.

Ladybug Canape

Tomato canapes

Another of those original recipes that are prepared in a moment. Your kids will love them (and adults too).


  • Biscuits
  • Cream cheese
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • black olives


  1. Spread the cookies with the cream cheese (or mayonnaise).
  2. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and arrange the halves side by side on top of the cheese, for the body of the ladybug.
  3. Olives are the head of the insect.
  4. If you dare and have time, cut olive stitches for the ladybug’s body and strips for the antennae.

Have you taken a good note? With these original recipes you are sure to succeed and your children will eat it all without protesting. And the older ones will love them too.

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