How To Prepare A Syrup To Reduce Cholesterol And Reduce Inflammation Of The Joints

The properties of some natural products can help reduce cholesterol and joint pain. We talk about a syrup that can be beneficial for these conditions.

The excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and the imbalances in the inflammatory processes of the body are conditions that affect the quality of life. Therefore, we tell you how you can prepare a syrup at home to reduce cholesterol.

The number of patients with disorders such as hypercholesterolemia and rheumatoid arthritis has increased  in recent years, and unfortunately the number will continue to rise. This is because there are more and more sedentary and poorly fed people who, despite the warnings, are doing nothing to improve their habits.

Usually usually it subtract importance to cholesterol until it becomes a serious disorder. Because of this, it is convenient to take measures, adopt healthy habits and consume some natural remedies that could help prevent it.

On this occasion, we want to share with you the recipe for a syrup to reduce cholesterol whose combination of ingredients –according to popular wisdom– could be beneficial for cardiovascular and joint health, within a balanced diet.

Syrup to lower cholesterol

The syrup is obtained from the combination of commonly used natural ingredients, such as garlic, lemon and honey. For this reason, according to popular wisdom, it would be beneficial for health. 

To begin with, all the ingredients are characterized by their energy and antioxidant value. Especially honey from bees, as indicated in this project carried out by researchers from the José de Caldas Distral University, in Bogotá.

On the other hand, it is said that the sulfur compounds in garlic have a vasodilator effect that would help clean the arteries and control problems such as the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL) and hypertension, as this study published in the Latin American Archives of Nutrition points out .

Also, its vitamins and minerals promote blood circulation. In this way, they are believed to optimize the cellular oxygenation process and help reduce the negative effects of free radicals.

According to beliefs, garlic has an anti-inflammatory effect that is beneficial for patients with ailments in their joints. Therefore, by incorporating it into the diet on a regular basis, along with other healthy foods, it helps to strengthen cartilage and ligaments, and reduce the risk of premature wear or injury.

On the other hand, it is said that garlic has compounds with antibiotic and antifungal properties, which is why in the popular sphere it is considered a good complement to strengthen the immune system and increase the response to infectious agents, as shown in this work published in the Journal of Immunology Research .

Due to the nutritional value of its ingredients, it is believed that the daily consumption of the following syrup your daily consumption can be beneficial for health. However, it should be noted that it is not a miracle cure for high cholesterol or other health problems. In any case, it must be considered as a supplement to the diet.

How to prepare this homemade syrup to help lower cholesterol?

To prepare this syrup it is advisable to purchase 100% organic ingredients, since it is considered that they better preserve all their properties.

In the case of honey, it is very important to verify its quality, since some presentations are made with refined sugars and do not have their great nutritional value. Taking this into account, the next thing is to proceed with the elaboration of the product.


  • 1 cup of organic honey (335 g).
  • 12 raw garlic cloves.
  • The juice of 2 lemons.


  • Glass jar.
  • Mortar.
  • Wooden spoon.


  1. Sterilize the glass jar by boiling it in water and, when it is clean, add the cup of honey.
  2. In addition, crush the garlic cloves in the mortar, or pass them through a pressing element.
  3. After obtaining a thick paste, mix it with the honey with the help of the wooden spoon.
  4. Next, squeeze the juice from the two lemons and add it to the honey garlic mixture.
  5. Cover the jar tightly and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 48 hours.
  6. After the recommended time, start its consumption.

Consumption mode

  • To control cholesterol levels, according to popular wisdom, you can  take a tablespoon of syrup before each main meal.
  • In case of pain or inflammation of the joints, consume a tablespoon on an empty stomach and before lunch.
  • If you like, dilute a tablespoon of the syrup in half a cup of warm water to facilitate its consumption.
  • Avoid ingesting more than the recommended amount, since it contains honey and is rich in calories.

Syrup to lower cholesterol

You may be interested: What is the appropriate level of cholesterol?

On the syrup for cholesterol and joint inflammation …

Ready to make this cholesterol and inflammation syrup at home? Buy the ingredients in your place of trust and take advantage of these products to promote the well-being of your body.

Always keep in mind that this and other related products are not magic solutions against ailments but in any case, a complement to a healthy lifestyle and good medical treatment.

If you have doubts about how to take care of yourself in case of having problems with cholesterol, do not hesitate to consult a health professional to guide you in this regard and can provide you with a proper diagnosis and treatment, as well as to resolve any type of doubt you may have.

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