9 Natural Beauty Tricks To Enhance Hair Growth

Is your dream to find some natural treatment or remedy to accelerate hair growth? Having long, thick and healthy hair has become one of the greatest ambitions of thousands of women around the world.

However, many have to deal with hair loss problems, weakness and other hair disorders that impede their growth and affect their beauty.

Fortunately, today there are thousands of aesthetic treatments and professional techniques that can be useful to solve all those inconveniences that prevent you from having a perfect mane.

Among this we find several natural beauty tricks that could help us to stimulate their healthy growth without causing side effects. This time we are going to share the 9 tips that everyone should take into account to achieve that desired hair.

1. Increase the consumption of protein for hair growth

Increase protein intake, hair growth

Did you know that hair is made up of protein? Because of this, it is so essential to increase the consumption of this nutrient and try to ingest the recommended daily dose.

Its action in the body helps to increase the production of red blood cells, which are important for transporting oxygen and other nutrients to the hair follicles.

Some healthy sources of protein are:

  • Red meat
  • Turkey and chicken
  • Soy and derivatives
  • Skimmed milk
  • Blue Fish
  • Nuts
  • Lentils
  • Egg

2. Brush the hair with a suitable brush

Brushing the hair could help stimulate circulation in the area, as the scalp is massaged to facilitate the transport of nutrients to the hair follicles. However, it is important that you choose a soft bristle brush, otherwise you could split the strand.

3. Avoid using silicone products

Avoid using silicone products

Silicone-based products appear to repair hair, but actually wrap hair in an invisible layer that can be quite damaging in the long run.

These could clog the hair follicles and slow growth, as well as alter the natural oils in the hair.

4. Don’t wash your hair every day

Although some people wash their hair every day because it is so greasy, this is not recommended because of the time it takes to recover from the chemicals used during the wash.

Hair health experts recommend washing it two to three times a week so as not to alter the natural pH of the scalp. However, as each person has hair with different characteristics, this frequency can vary. In addition, in the case of presenting a problem with the scalp, it is advisable to consult this aspect with a dermatologist.

5. Cut the ends

Cut the ends

Although it seems that cutting the ends does not help much in hair growth, the truth is that it is an essential step to achieve a strong and healthy mane. The deterioration of the ends has a negative impact on the rest of the hair and inhibits its natural growth.

By regularly cutting this damaged part of the hair, the hair appears to grow faster.

6. Olive oil

An olive oil massage is useful to nourish the scalp and provide essential nutrients to the mane.

How to use?

  • You just have to heat a little olive oil (to a bearable temperature) and then apply it all over the hair with a gentle massage.

7. Flaxseed oil

Linseed oil

The natural oil that is extracted from flaxseeds is a source of essential fatty acids that improve cardiovascular health and deeply nourish the hair.

Ingesting it and applying it directly is believed to work to enhance hair growth and restore it from environmental damage.

8. Apple cider vinegar

On the other hand, although in the popular sphere it is claimed that apple cider vinegar is a remedy that has properties that help keep it clean and free from common conditions such as dandruff, this belief has no scientific validity.

Therefore, its application should be consulted with a dermatologist.

9. Onion water

Onion water

The sulfur compounds and other nutrients in onion have made it one of the best allies to keep hair strong and healthy. There is research to suggest that promoting hair growth may be an effective topical for patchy alopecia areata.

Although its smell is not the most pleasant, many choose this option because it stimulates hair growth naturally and gives it shine.

How to use it?

  • Cook several onions in a pot with plenty of water, bring them to a boil and then filter the liquid.
  • Use the water as a hair rinse and then use your regular shampoo.

Keep in mind that the results are not immediate and you must be constant to obtain good results. In addition to consulting your application with a doctor, in case of presenting some type of problem in the scalp.

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