8 Errors In The Exercises That Prevent You From Achieving Results

The problem with not performing the exercises well is not that we do not achieve the desired results, but that we could be harming ourselves and suffer different injuries depending on the case

Sometimes we seek to achieve results when doing exercises that are impossible to achieve, simply because of the mistakes we make. Pay attention to this article. If you are able to eliminate these errors from your sports session, you will surely achieve better results.

8 mistakes we make when doing the exercises

1. Make a bridge with the hip

6 muscle stretching exercises

If we are going to practice this exercise, we must bear in mind that it will be incorrect if while doing this bridge your spine is arched.

This is bad for your back because, in that case, the load does not fall on the buttocks, but on the lower back area.

  • The correct option would be to do the same with your knees parallel to the ground.
  • To do this you will have to raise your hips up and make a straight line with your hips with your own torso.
  • Do not forget to tense the glutes to the maximum at the highest point and the abdomen.

2. Displacement of one leg towards the other

Be very careful because you may be doing this exercise completely incorrectly. If your torso is leaning forward and your knees are bent at a sharp angle, you could be injured. This is because you strain both the spine and the knees.

  • The correct option when doing this exercise is to place your back in a straight position and not lift your hips.
  • Keep in mind that your knee is bent at a 90 degree angle.

3. Make the plank

Front plate

Beware of mistakes in these exercises, they can also be dangerous. If your back is not straight when doing the plank, the exercise loses its effectiveness.

  • Therefore, the solution is to take care of your body from possible injuries by forming a straight line from head to toe.
  • Bend your arms at a 90 degree angle and keep your head straight when doing this exercise.

4. Squats on a bar


You have to be careful how these squats are done because, if you place your knees in a position that exceeds the balls of your feet, your back will arch and the bar will rest on your neck. All this will cause you to damage it.

  • The correct way to do this exercise is by matching the bar line with the middle of your feet.
  • Then you will have to arch your back and keep your heels off the ground. Do the squats.

5. Hold the bar correctly

woman in the gym

Be very careful how you hold the bar. When the bar rests on the neck it is dangerous and the correct way to do this sport is by placing the elbows back and bringing the shoulder blades together.

In this way, what you will achieve is to arch your back and exert tension without forcing. Do not forget that the bar must be placed at the lowest possible level.

6. Dumbbell squats

Dumbbell squats

Squatting with dumbbells is one of the most common exercises, but you have to be careful because if you do them with your shoulders forward you will exert too much pressure and you could injure yourself.

  • The correct option is to do them with the shoulders back and bringing the shoulder blades together.
  • Don’t forget to keep your back straight, arching it slightly in your lower back.
  • Squat so that your hips are parallel to the ground, and you’re done.

7. Raise bar

Lifting bar

When lifting the bar we make some of the mistakes in the most common exercises and with which we have to be more careful. And it is that the position of the legs and arms is very important.

If they are at an angle, you could fall and damage your tendons.

  • The correct position is to bend the legs towards the knees, bring the chest forward, arch the back in the lower area and throw the hips back.
  • Legs and arms should be perpendicular to the ground.

8. Upload to a platform

People in the gym doing aerobic exercise.

The option of doing exercises on a platform also requires care.

And, for example, we can fall into an incorrect position that happens to be far from the platform. This would place a greater load on the knees, but not on the leg muscles.

  • The appropriate option is to do it completely straight, with the shoulder blades together, slightly arching the back, approaching the platform or the bench.
  • The knee should be in line with the feet.

Keep these tips in mind to eliminate errors in your routine exercises. In this way, you will avoid injuries and achieve better results.

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