Adopt A Vegetarian Diet Without Reducing Nutrients

Today, the number of people who start to adopt a vegetarian diet is increasing, either for ethical reasons in relation to animals or personal tastes.

However, many people think that stopping eating meat can lead to health problems and prefer to continue eating it from time to time. What they don’t know is that there are healthy foods that also provide you with the nutrients and minerals that they provide. Of course, sometimes they are difficult to get.

For this reason, it is important that you plan your diet carefully in order to prevent malnutrition and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, adopting a vegetarian diet offers you a series of health benefits such as the following:

  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Less intakes of saturated fat.
  • Lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer.
  • Adoption of a healthier body weight.

    Types of vegetarian diets

    Woman eating a vegetarian diet

    When people think of a vegetarian diet they usually think of a diet that does not include meat or fish. But vegetarian diets vary in the foods they include and exclude:

    • Lacto-vegetarian: they exclude beef, chicken, fish and eggs, as well as foods that contain these products. People who adopt this type of diet can consume dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter.
    • Ovo-vegetarian: excludes beef and chicken, seafood and dairy products, although eggs are allowed.
    • Lacto-ovo vegetarians : does not allow the consumption of beef, chicken and fish, but they do allow dairy products and eggs.
    • Pescetariana: excludes beef and chicken, dairy and eggs, but allows fish.
    • Vegan: does not allow the consumption of any type of meat or any food that contains any product derived from an animal, such as milk and eggs.

    Some people choose to follow a semi-vegetarian diet (also known as a flexitarian diet) which is primarily a plant-based diet but includes meat, dairy, eggs, chicken, and fish on occasion or in small amounts.

    Nutrients to consider when adopting a vegetarian diet

    People who want to adopt a vegetarian diet should make sure they get enough of the following nutrients:


    Plant foods

    It is a mineral that is found in abundance in red meat. It plays a key role in the production of red blood cells, which are cells that help carry oxygen throughout the body. Legumes, broccoli, raisins, wheat, and tofu are good options for getting iron from a vegetarian diet.

    Iron-fortified cereals are a good source. However, non-animal iron is more difficult to digest. To compensate for this problem, the intake of vitamin C is important, as it helps its absorption and digestion.


    Proteins are nutrients made up of basic units called amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids that combine with each other to form different proteins. This nutrient is essential to keep the skin, muscles and organs in good condition.

    A complete protein is one that contains in its structure all the amino acids that the body needs. These proteins are what meat has. However, there are also options for people who want to adopt a vegetarian diet that can be combined with each other to provide this type of protein such as rice and legumes or corn and beans.

    Quinoa salad

    Other foods that can be included in the vegetarian diet and that provide protein, even if they are not complete, are:

    • Eggs
    • Quinoa
    • Walnuts
    • Seeds
    • Grain
    • Tofu
    • Soy milk

    On the other hand, it is possible that at the beginning of adopting a vegetarian diet you will go hungrier, because proteins are very satiating nutrients. However, you don’t need to overindulge on a lot more food just to fill in the lack of meat. They can eat more vegetables on a plate without going over the calories.

    Some of them like asparagus, peas or broccoli satisfy the appetite and contain a high protein content.

    In short, to adopt a vegetarian diet …

    All those who decide to adopt a vegetarian diet should not worry if they do not find food with the essential nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. As we have seen, the “plant world” offers foods that combined with each other provide the necessary nutrients.

    However, you cannot forget to organize your meals well so that there is no deficiency of any nutrient or, otherwise, no excess.

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