7 Tips For Healthy Eating When You Are Traveling

When we talk about healthy eating we cannot forget that drinks also count. Instead of alcoholic drinks or soft drinks, try to opt for water

Eating healthy when you are traveling is important to keep your body in optimal condition.

When you want to lead a healthy life, going on a trip can be a worry rather than a reason to distract yourself and have a good time.

This is because we are used to to travel is synonymous with junk food.  Both on the road and on a plane trip.

Perhaps you think that by wanting to have a healthy diet you will probably not enjoy the trip, you will be limited when eating or that you will break the diet and that would delay your goal.

However, this does not have to be the case. L In truth, there are some tricks to eating healthy when you are traveling.

You don’t have to sacrifice anything. Remember that the secret of a healthy diet is balance and not the total elimination of food.

1. Pack your own snacks


This is the first trick to eat healthy when you are traveling. Prepare some snacks that avoid the temptation to eat what you should not. This is essential since when we are traveling we always have to wait.

In those moments is when you can end up eating a sandwich that you should not, such as french fries, chocolates, candies, among others.

Pack your food wisely. The most recommended are:

  • Walnuts.
  • Pre-washed and cut vegetables.
  • Almond or peanut butters.
  • Easy to transport fruits like apples or bananas.
  • Berries
  • Homemade protein bars.
  • Sliced ​​cheese.
  • Whole grain cookies (sweet and salty).

Remember that the key to a healthy life is balance and organization. When storing these foods, keep them in small, easy-to-transport packages with full portions.

2. Eat often and in small amounts

The second of the tips to eat healthy when you are traveling is to eat small amounts of food throughout the day.

This sends signals to your brain that your food supply is plentiful, so you’ll burn calories quickly.

  • You just have to make sure to limit the amount of calories you eat in one sitting.
  • Remember that these meals should be small, like a Apple or a homemade granola bar.

In terms of frequency, you can choose to have three large meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and then have a snack every couple of hours.

This way you will feel full all the time and avoid unhealthy cravings.

3. Water is your best friend to eat healthy when you are traveling

If you are staying in a hotel for a few days, look for one with a kitchen. You can call ahead to ask for a microwave and fridge or take advantage of the hostels.

This gives you full control over food preparation , so you can eat healthy when you’re on the go. For people with very strict dietary requirements this may be the perfect option.

In case your thing is not cooking, concentrate on eating those foods that are already part of your daily diet and that do not require large preparations such as:

  • Yoghurt.
  • Cheese.
  • Wholemeal bread.
  • Green vegetables.

7. Eat a treat a day wisely

Eating healthy when you are traveling does not imply that you should not try the local gastronomy or that you cannot put your diet aside for a moment.

Our recommendation is that foods that are too sweet or high in carbohydrates should be left for just one meal a day.

In this way, you will avoid that feeling that you are completely limiting yourself.

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