New Beauty Canon: Tess Munster, The XXL Model

We are more than used to the world of fashion or cinema bringing us an image of a slim woman and, sometimes, too thin. Photographs retouched by Photoshop where they eliminate those excess curves, those imperfections that, until not long ago, the world of fashion did not accept … But, do you know Tess Munster?

News like the one we bring you today is a simple invitation to reflection. Can’t a 120-kilogram woman be beautiful and attractive ? Don’t bodies full of curves that culminate in a beautiful face also have the right to appear in magazines?

We think so. However, we must take care that those extra kilos do not cause health problems.

Indeed, beauty and health must always go hand in hand. That is why today, in our space, we want to discover you Tess Munster, a new supermodel who is proud of herself and of what she has achieved.

Tess Munster, a weight model

Tess’s life was not easy. During his years in high school, he suffered the contempt of his classmates. In fact, she had to deal with bullying and hated her own body.

He left home very early because, sometimes, great changes are the only ones that can offer us new ways to find our own . And Tess risked everything and left behind a complicated and negative youth.

He was always very aware that his passion was fashion and art. For this reason, she studied artistic makeup and styling, collaborating in numerous fashion shows as an assistant.

It didn’t take long for her to realize that her porcelain face and pretty features had nothing to envy those of the models she used to make up.

Why not give it a try? She started dressing and putting on makeup in a fun pin up style.  Afterwards, he photographed himself and uploaded  the images to his personal blog.

In a short time, there were thousands of visits he received every day.

xxl model

People loved his image. More than that, she adored the way she encouraged other women to love their bodies in any way, to extol their right to feel beautiful.

A face is always more beautiful with a smile, and a smile is happiness, a vital engine of self-esteem.

Thus, Tess Munster began to be a benchmark in social networks and fashion blogs. Prestigious photographers were willing to photograph her so that she could upload her images to her personal blog, always full of cheek and elegance.

And the great opportunity came

Finally, the opportunity of a lifetime has arrived: Milk Management.  This is a supermodel firm that has just bet on this 29-year-old woman.

Fortunately, in recent years XXL models are making a dent in the world of fashion. For example, Candice Huffine is a plus-size model who has starred on the Pirelli calendar.

Now it’s Tess Munster’s turn. And it comes with force. She is a woman of character who has made herself, with pride and imagination. She overcame the slights suffered in her adolescence and left that whole world behind, looking in the mirror and telling herself that there was a lot of beauty in her.

Because beauty is not only a beautiful body, but showing, with joy, imagination and challenge, the happiness of loving yourself, whatever you are. Self-esteem and its reflection is also beautiful.

Tess munster

We agree with her. We support your right to promote a new canon of beauty that, until now, was unusual. We accept it, as long as your weight does not cause health problems. We must remember that suffering from anorexia is just as dangerous as being overweight.

Beauty must always go hand in hand with health. However, we welcome these kinds of changes in the world of fashion.

For this reason, let’s hope that Tess Munster is not the only one and that, little by little, women with real, healthy bodies and with the same energy and positivity as this young woman that we have told you about today will appear in the magazines as a reflection .

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