5 Habits You Must Adopt If You Want To Gain Muscle Mass Naturally

When it comes to gaining muscle mass, it is essential to exercise constantly, but also to eat a balanced diet and get adequate rest. Find out what else you need below.

The formation of muscle mass is one of the main objectives of those who want to show off a strong and toned figure. Did you know that there are certain habits that, on a day-to-day basis, can help you build muscle? Here we explain some of them.

Muscle mass is the volume of body tissue that corresponds to muscle, that is, lean mass. This can help us achieve more strength and physical endurance.

Obtaining this type of tissue is not an easy task, since multiple and continuous efforts are required, both dietary and physical. In addition, it is important to understand that it is a long-term project, the results of which may vary depending on the lifestyle of each individual.

How to gain muscle mass

We know that many are trying to achieve the goal of building muscle. Therefore, this time we want to share five habits that can help you achieve your goal in a natural and safe way.

1. Adopt a daily workout routine

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If your main goal is to gain muscle mass, you should keep in mind that the only way to achieve this is through a daily training plan. This should include physically demanding exercises, which can be planned using various methods, as explained in a study published by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research .

Also, these jobs should try to involve as many muscle groups as possible. Its constant repetition can help you make your muscles bigger and stronger.

Of course, for this process to take place optimally, it is necessary to support it with a balanced diet, which includes high-quality nutrients.


  • First, resort to a cardiovascular exercise routine that allows you to lose as much body fat as possible, as detailed in a study published by the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism .
  • Remember that the increase in muscle mass is done in phases. Therefore, you should first focus on reducing fat.
  • After achieving this, design together with a professional trainer a strength training that allows you to work every muscle group in your body.
  • Increase weight gradually, as overexertion can lead to injury.

2. Eat 5 to 6 plates of healthy food.

Distribute the food for five or six servings a day is one of the habits that, in some way, help to gain and maintain muscle mass. Among other things, eating several meals keeps your body full of energy. Therefore, it is essential to improve physical performance.

In addition, being well fed is especially important if we are going to increase the intensity of the exercise. We cannot build a house without bricks; If we do not provide the body with food, it will resort to “burning” muscle mass for energy, as detailed in a WebMD article.


  • Instead of consuming three main courses a day, create an eating plan with moderate portions for five or six meals a day.
  • Make sure you eat healthy foods. You must control calories and fat, since it is useless to moderate the portions if the food is of poor quality.

3. Incorporate proteins and carbohydrates to gain muscle mass

High-quality protein and carbohydrates play a key role in strengthening and increasing lean body mass. First of all, because these essential nutrients fill the body with energy.

In addition, carbohydrates are important for the recovery of glycogen levels after training, as detailed in research published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

On the other hand, proteins, which perform many tasks in the body, also participate in this process. If we want to gain muscle mass, we will need to ingest them in recommended amounts, or even through supplements, as detailed in a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine .

On the other hand, and similar to what happens with carbohydrates, a study published by Sports Medicine affirms that proteins are essential for an optimal muscle repair process when exercising.


Eat healthy protein sources like:

  • Eggs.
  • Fish.
  • Seafood.
  • Vegetables.
  • Vegetables.
  • Lean meats
  • Seeds and nuts.

Also, don’t forget to choose good carbohydrates like:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Rice.
  • Potatoes.
  • Beans.
  • Quinoa.
  • Whole wheat bread and pasta.

Beyond all the above, remember that, although they are important to gain muscle mass, in excess they will not be good either. The best thing is that you consult a specialist who develops the most appropriate diet for your specific case.

4. Increase water consumption

Water is one of the most important components of the body. Its consumption in adequate quantities is essential to have muscle fibers and tissues in perfect condition.

This vital liquid participates in the synthesis of other essential nutrients. In addition, it helps transport these nutrients to cells, including muscle cells. In this way, the muscles can work without difficulties.

A dehydrated body can lose lean mass and, in addition to this, the person can experience fatigue and physical limitations, according to a publication in Nutrition Reviews .


  • Ensure the consumption of six to eight glasses of water a day.
  • Increase your water intake during and after physical training.

5. Sleep well

Body temperature and sleep

Although it seems that it has nothing to do, a good quality of sleep is one of the most important pillars to guarantee the growth of the lean mass of the body. It is essential to rest between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruptions so as not to suffer interference in the objective of gaining muscle.

During the rest period, the muscles repair themselves. In addition, a good rest will help us to have more energy, which will optimize the training, among other benefits that are highlighted in a WebMD article.


  • Avoid using electronic devices or any other gadget before sleeping.
  • Make sure you have a room with a suitable and comfortable environment.
  • If you have sleep problems, try consuming relaxing teas or enjoying an aromatherapy session.

Muscle mass is built little by little

Remember that, to obtain good results, it is important to be consistent with all the mentioned habits. In many cases, the lifestyle must be completely changed. The point is to avoid harmful foods and practices that affect muscle health as much as possible.

Ultimately, we reiterate that the ideal would always be to go to a professional to recommend the specific exercises and diet for your case. With these guidelines, you will not fail in your goal of gaining muscle.

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