6 Healthy Things You Can Do On An Empty Stomach

Taking time in the morning to pamper your body and mind is important so that the rest of the day is rewarding and full of energy and a positive attitude. We tell you what are those habits that can help you.

Having healthy fasting habits is very important to start the day and lead a healthy life. Even if the daily routine is hectic or stressful, accompanying it with good practices could help improve the quality of life.

If you are worried about not having time during the day to exercise or relax, you should know that the best time to do so is the first thing in the morning. This is because, when waking up, the body has rested enough to start the routine again.

Next, we tell you what are those healthy habits that you should do when you wake up, before starting the day. Take note!

6 healthy habits you can do on an empty stomach

When fasting, the metabolism provides favorable conditions to the body that can be used to maintain a healthy life. Carrying out activities that boost energy and turn them into habits will cause positive physical and emotional changes.

1. Drink water

Drinking one or two glasses of water upon waking up has benefits for the body, since doing so activates the kidneys, the main ones in charge of eliminating toxins from the body. For its part, intestinal activity also improves and this could help combat constipation.

In relation to this, a study published in the National Center of Biotechnology Information  indicates that drinking water before breakfast reduces calorie intake at the next meal, up to 13%.

Likewise, hydration even benefits the brain, because it improves its functioning by allowing the cells to receive oxygenated blood. Thus, this organ remains alert.

Healthy fasting habits: Drink water

2. Eat fruits

Eating fruits is one of the healthy habits that you can have on an empty stomach, because it does not require too much energy to digest them. In addition, they satisfy hunger without adding many calories.

In addition, they are composed mostly of water. So eating fruits can be another option to hydrate yourself in the morning. If you suffer from gastritis, avoid citrus fruits such as orange or lemon, since when the stomach is empty it is usually more vulnerable to irritants. Instead, eat a date, pear, or apple.

3. Listen to relaxing music

If you want to prepare your mind for the rest of the day and fill yourself with positive energy, listening to classical or meditation music will help this purpose. Due to its ability to relax, music is ideal for calming the mind. Also, it helps the heart rate to normalize and breathing to control.

Indeed, another study published in the National Center of Biotechnology Information , conducted on 43 women and 44 men exposed to stressful stimuli, found that music is an effective relaxing treatment, since it significantly reduced the levels of stress and anxiety in the participants.

4. Do yoga

The energy potential of the body upon awakening can be used to do yoga on an empty stomach. Since no food has been eaten yet, the body is lighter, cleaner, and more focused on activity.

It is recommended to do simple yoga poses that do not require great physical effort. If you do not practice this activity frequently, you can choose only to meditate to calm your mind.

5. Do stretching exercises

Being at rest for 8 hours, the body needs to get moving progressively. A good way to activate it can be to stretch for a few minutes.

This will help loosen your muscles and lubricate your joints to prevent muscle aches during the day. Remember that stretching also requires care. Try to use smooth, controlled movements to prevent injury. 

Woman doing leg stretches

6. Do cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is another of the healthy habits that you can have on an empty stomach. Walking or jogging gently when you wake up is good for the body, as it could help warm the body, release energy and burn fat. It can be practiced daily or inter-day to avoid becoming too fatigued.

When it comes to aerobic and anaerobic exercises, a review published in Integrative Medicine Research indicates that resistance to these routines appears to be much better when practiced in the morning.

When you wake up, your blood glucose and insulin levels are low, so your body uses fat for energy when you are physically active. This metabolically helps the body to become efficient using fat as fuel.

After you finish walking or jogging, it is important to eat to recharge your batteries. Proteins are a good option to recover after doing physical activity.

Healthy habits, a lifestyle

If you want to improve your quality of life, you can propose it. Staying healthy will only take an hour or a few minutes when you wake up and having healthy fasting habits is the key to starting the day on the right foot. The important thing is to adopt these activities as routines and always maintain a good attitude.

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