Today I Choose That The Rest Of My Life Be The Best Of My Existence

Today I choose to be happy. I have decided to focus on what I value, what I really consider important. I have thought about making life a better experience.

Perhaps these words are familiar to us. In fact, this is an illusion that one often comes to think of. What happens is that prioritizing what we want is not always compatible with certain daily obligations and commitments.

Below we reflect on this matter with some basic strategies that can be applied on a day-to-day basis.

Today I choose to be happy and make life a better experience

As the psychologist Paul Watzlawick points out in his book The Art of Making Life Bitter , we people have a knack for complicating our lives in almost astonishing ways.

It is not easy to admit it, but it is often difficult for us to accept that from simple facts we end up creating real labyrinths. Plus, those convoluted ideas often bring only gratuitous dissatisfaction and worry.

However, by putting certain keys into practice it is possible to pave the way. Do you want to know them? If so, keep reading.

I’m going to think differently to see the world differently

Have you ever imagined it? The thoughts we have go hand in hand with the emotions we feel. That is, the adoption of a certain attitude or perspective guides the consequent actions that we execute.

For example, sometimes we complain about others or how difficult everything seems to us: “The coworker makes me nervous.” “It is clear that I will not have more opportunities” …

But, in reality, what this type of reasoning does is generate negative feelings in whoever formulates it. On the contrary, if we change these kinds of comments, it is likely that we will face the circumstances in a different spirit.

Thus, if we say: “Today I decide that this person is not going to bother me anymore, I am not going to listen to him”, it will be easier for us to direct our attention to more pleasant stimuli. The moment we modify the statement of the problem, we remove discomfort and open ourselves to positive emotions.

Today I choose to stop holding on to the past

woman learning from mistakes

It seems that the human being spends much of the day remembering, evoking aspects of the past. And although every experience originates learning, it is not about building walls in the face of what is happening in the present.

That brake would represent the situations in which we cling to yesterday’s mistakes or failures. But, despite the disappointments and the stones that we have been finding, assuming them as one more experience is possible. Only then are these potholes accepted and overcome. Focusing on them doesn’t help, quite the opposite.

If we overcome the grudges, hatred or sadness of yesteryear, we will make room for beautiful stories, those that give us strength when we need it. In addition, the simple act of forgiving and letting go makes us more bearable and joyful from day to day.

I also opt for a more constructive internal dialogue

Another essential condition is to generate an internal dialogue that is constructive and not negative. Fatalistic postures only add tricks and limits to one’s own well-being.

We delay various plans because we believe that this is not the time, that we are going to fail, that we will be made ridiculous or even injured. Expressions such as “I can’t”, “it won’t work out for me”, “I’m not good at this” or “I’m going to fail” the only things they bring are obstacles along the way.

However, if we try to give ourselves self-instructions in a more positive tone, the results will undoubtedly be different. Making the effort to be able to achieve something is already the first step to get closer to the desired goal.

What am I going to choose today?

“Today I choose to be happy and that the rest of my life be the best of my existence.” If we remember this phrase from time to time, we will be in a suitable position to generate an optimistic and more enthusiastic vision of what surrounds us.

You also don’t have to obsess over being constantly happy. But what is worthwhile is seeking harmony with oneself, dispelling those destructive thoughts that paralyze the satisfaction of every moment. Shall we start?

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