Tips For Perfect Legs

Did you know that there are celebrities, like Taylor Swift, who have insured their legs (or other parts of their body) for more than 40 million dollars?

Before starting to take any type of measurement, it is convenient that we stop to think: What do we understand by perfect legs?

Most of the time, we understand that well-toned and well-worked legs are “perfect.” Because they help enhance your natural characteristics, not because they modify them – which plastic surgery does.

With a good exercise routine and, of course, a healthy lifestyle, you can show off your perfect legs and earn a lot as a vine. Ready to jump into it? Go!

Tips to have perfect legs

Remember that you should never put the aesthetic factor ahead of your health. If you want to show off beautiful legs, try not to resort to ‘magic’ products or dangerous diets or exercises that could put your health at risk. If you have questions about any procedure, please consult your doctor before using it.

Woman applying cream to her legs

Be more careful

Start taking care of your legs a little more when you are walking around your house, work or the street. Do not wear shoes that can make you slip, watch where you walk, do not fix your eyes on the shop windows or what you are carrying in your hand. This way you will avoid bumps, cuts, scars, scrapes, etc.

Make up your legs

There are special makeups that serve to give a more homogeneous tone to the skin. It can be in the form of a spray, a cream or a lotion. Of course, pay attention to the amounts, because sometimes they take several days to disappear.

This idea is recommended for a special occasion, not for everyday wear. To find out exactly which product you should use for your skin type, consult your trusted dermatologist.


Focus on tanning your skin so that your legs always look healthy, but be careful not to expose yourself too much to UV rays, as they can cause serious skin injuries.

Try to tan evenly, that is, don’t just leave your legs in the sun and the rest of your body in the shade. It is essential that you respect the allowed hours, that you use protection factor and that, if you are on your knees for 10 minutes in the sun, then spend 10 minutes in the opposite position, to tan evenly and get perfect legs.

Every once in a while, exfoliate your legs

There are special sponges that can help you while you shower. In this way, you will remove dead skin cells and ingrown hairs; Some say this also helps improve blood circulation and reduce cellulite and stretch marks, but ask your doctor for more information on this.

Don’t take a shower that is too hot, as long, hot showers remove natural oils from the dermis. As the American Academy of Dermatology indicates , you can use scrubs of various types, although it is the dermatologist who should tell you which one is ideal for you.

Moisturizes and hydrates

Woman with hand cream.

When you finish bathing and before going to bed (always with clean skin), it is good that you apply a moisturizing cream on the legs. According to specialized publications, the best are those that contain ceramides.

In the first applications you will see how the cream is instantly absorbed by the pores. This is because they were in need of hydration. In addition, this practice will help to have softer and less flaky legs.

Choose what suits you

In addition to complying with all the steps or tips to have perfect legs, a good idea is to create an “optical illusion” with clothing and shoes. For example, heels give a more elongated look to your legs.

Skirts or shorts can also flatter the look of your legs. Avoid dresses that are up to the ankles, the “capri” or “fishermen” style, which widen the ankles. If you have wide hips, these types of pants will make them look bigger.

Exercises to have perfect legs

In addition to physical exercise, remember that eating and good habits such as resting well and not smoking are essential to have a good state of health and, as a consequence, a good physique.

Below we will list some exercises explained in this Harvard Medical School guide that can be helpful in strengthening your legs.


thigh exercise

Also known as lounges or lunges. To perform them, stand up with your legs together and bring your hands to your waist. Keep your back straight and step your right foot forward.

Then bend your left leg, as if your knee is touching the ground. Hold for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times before switching to the left foot. You can also do them alternately.


You can use a step or a small chair if you don’t have the famous “ step ” from aerobics classes. Come up with your left leg fully supporting your foot on the platform. Raise your right leg forward and upward, bending your knee.

You can jump for more integral movement. Lower your right leg and repeat the step with the left raised. There are 10 repetitions of each leg in total.


Woman doing squats at home.

This movement is present in all exercise routines because, in addition to toning buttocks, it helps reduce thighs.

To do this, stand with your legs hip-width apart, bend your knees and lower your torso, as if your butt were going to touch the ground. Afterwards, hold the position for a few minutes and return to the starting position. That’s the basic squat technique.

You can do them more difficult, for example, by stretching your arms at shoulder height, lifting weights with your hands, or jumping up and down when bending your knees.

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