How To Clean The Home Naturally With Lemon Juice

Did you think that this citrus was only good for some cooking recipes? Well, the truth is that many old housewives (like our mothers or grandmothers) used lemon to clean the home. Learn about the most common uses for the juice of this fruit in the following article.

Lemon virtues

According to a study from 2011, the lemon would have antimicrobial properties that would allow it to eliminate germs. For this reason it would be useful for almost all surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom.

For example, the utensils you use to prepare food could be cleaned with lemon juice. This is just one of the uses of lemon juice to clean the house. Here we will present some more, since it would have the ability to eliminate bad odors and bacteria.

Lemon to clean the home

It is worth clarifying that the uses of lemon that we present below are transferred by word of mouth and have no scientific evidence to support them.

In the kitchen

Lemon to clean the home

  • Cleaning stains from the cutting board with lemon would help kill germs, for example from cutting raw meat. You would only have to rub half a lemon and let it rest overnight, washing the next morning. The same would happen with the grill or barbecue.
  • Remove odors from the microwave by placing ¾ cup of water with a few tablespoons of lemon juice. Then heat in the appliance until it boils. Do not open the door for 10 minutes and then remove the dirt with a dry cloth.
  • Remove stains and odors from plastic containers with a lid. Soak in water with lemon juice and add baking soda, rub, rinse and dry well.
  • Disinfect the garbage disposal or garbage can. Pour a liter of hot water with half a cup of lemon juice down the drain or into the bucket. It serves in turn to uncover the pipe if it is mixed with baking soda.
  • Eliminate odors in the refrigerator by placing half a lemon that will be changed once a week. It would also serve to remove the odor that remains on the hands after preparing some foods such as fish. To do this, dilute warm water with lemon juice and dip your hands there for a few minutes.

Lemon to clean the home

  • Mineral build-up in the kettle, kettle, or coffee maker could also be removed with lemon juice. Put some slices on them and add water. Let it sit for two hours, rinse and pat dry.
  • You could also clean the oven by mixing lemon juice with baking soda. You should scrub the mixture inside and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Wipe with a clean cloth. This preparation is also good for the toilet and the bathroom sink.

    For the clothes

    • Lemon is thought to help remove rust stains from polyester or cotton clothing. Make a paste with the juice and add cream of tartar. Rub on the stain and let it act for half an hour. Lastly, wash as usual.
    • It would in turn serve to remove grease stains from clothing, rubbing with lemon juice and letting it rest overnight.
    • To make white clothes really shine, it is suggested to add half a cup of lemon juice in the washing machine, along with the washing powder and fabric softener or detergent.

    Other surfaces

    Lemon to clean the home

    • Half a lemon with salt would serve to clean old bronze and copper pieces, such as pots or decorative objects.
    • Wooden furniture could get a higher shine if you use a mixture of mineral oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply using a soft cloth.
    • Mirrors and windows would be cleaned by pouring a few tablespoons of lemon juice with water into a spray bottle. You could also use vinegar.
    • If you have bought new earrings, you could disinfect them by placing them in a container with lemon juice for a few hours.
    • Soap residue collects on the shower doors. It is supposed that they could be removed using half a lemon, which you should rub before cleaning as usual.

    Clean the taps with lemon juice

    Lemon to clean the home

    It is one of the many common and unproven uses for lemon to clean the home. It would be an easy, cheap and ecological treatment.

    • The first thing you have to do is squeeze a lemon and pass the juice through a fine sieve, to remove all the remains of pulp or seeds.
    • Then, soak a cotton cloth in this juice and go through the taps in the bathroom, bathtub, kitchen or laundry room.
    • It would also serve to remove lime stains.
    • Let it work for about 10 minutes and after that remove the juice with warm water or a damp cloth.
    • If the water in your house is very hard you can add a little vinegar to obtain better results.
    • In turn, you can use a more “deep” technique by rubbing half a lemon on the taps, then wiping with a wet cloth.

    How to eliminate the smell of cabinets with lemon

    Lemon to clean the home

    If you have fungus or mold in your closet, you could use lemon to remove it, at least so grandmothers say. Also, as lemon juice is a natural fragrance, your wardrobe will smell great.

    • Cut two lemons in half and squeeze their juice into a spray bottle.
    • Then add the same amount of water and mix well.
    • Spray on the moldy area of ​​the closet, it doesn’t have to be soggy, just a little damp.
    • Leave on for about two hours.
    • Finally, if the smell remains, repeat the procedure.

    Images courtesy of Kirsten Loza, Essie, Leslie Seaton, debaird, Thomas Rousing, Amy Stephenson

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