7 Unhealthy Habits That Make You Age Prematurely

Could not getting enough sleep could affect our physical appearance? Discover the unhealthy habits that you must abandon.

Aging is a natural process of the skin that occurs when the production of substances such as collagen and elastin decreases. Did you know that there are some unhealthy habits that can speed up this process?

Although age makes its development inevitable, there are always some habits and cares that could help preserve youth for longer.

However, just as its appearance can be delayed a bit, there are also some unhealthy habits that can influence its early appearance.

Although cosmetic products can reduce the effects, it will always be necessary to avoid some habits so as not to suffer from premature signs of aging.

Taking advantage of the opportunity and the interest that many have in the subject, we have compiled those 7 unhealthy habits that age us before our time.

Unhealthy habits that you should give up

1. Having too much worry

Having too much worry

Although most of the time ignored, emotions are closely related to health and physical appearance. Stress has negative effects on a psychological level and, at times, it can become a potential cause of various diseases.

Do you feel that everything stresses you or you worry too much? Careful! This could be your trigger for premature aging and some common health disorders like migraines.

Age increases the secretion of two substances called norepinephrine and cortisol, whose effects on the body weaken the immune system and increase blood pressure.

These consequences are not only noticeable with skin wrinkles, but also cause serious cognitive and cardiovascular damage.

2. Not adopting a skin care routine

The exterior skin care should be done every day by applying some products that help to preserve its beauty. In addition to increasing water consumption, it is essential to remove makeup and apply lotions and moisturizers.

Daily cleansing is the best way to reduce the impact of impurities and free radicals that often lead to skin problems and signs of aging. It not only removes dirt, but also dead cells, to prepare the skin to better absorb care products.

3. Sleep little

Sleep a little

A study from Case Western Reserve University (Ohio, United States) revealed that the amount of hours of sleep directly influences the state of the skin and its rate of aging.

Lack of hours of sleep causes bags and dark circles to form under the eyes. In the long term, it causes drooping of the eyelids and wrinkles in this area of ​​the face. Experts recommend sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruptions.

4. Not getting enough physical activity

Living a sedentary lifestyle and exercising only when you want to lose weight is also bad for skin and body health. Lack of movement affects cardiovascular health and increases the risk of suffering from psychological disorders such as stress and anxiety.

Through these types of activities, muscles and joints are strengthened to prevent diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

5. Smoking

Person with smoking habits

Smokers can’t imagine all the benefits they would get if they quit this habit. The toxic substances it contains decrease lung capacity and cause many health difficulties in the medium and long term.

With tobacco, the skin is also compromised with the development of spots, wrinkles and other obvious signs of age.

6. Rubbing your eyes

Among the most common unhealthy habits we find rubbing the eyes.

By doing this, it is believed that the collagen and elasticity of this area is weakened. This weakening produces small wrinkles that gradually increase in size.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive. For this reason, it should be protected from the sun and nourished with the application of day and night creams.

7. Eating unhealthy foods

Eating unhealthy foods

Basing the diet on unhealthy foods such as saturated fats, refined and processed products could not only cause obesity, but also directly affect the skin.

To fight free radicals and reduce the signs of aging, it is essential to improve your diet. For this you can start consuming foods rich in nutrients such as:

  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Whole grains.
  • Lean meats
  • Blue Fish.
  • Olive oil.

Avoiding these unhealthy habits as much as possible can significantly reduce the risk of premature aging.

These customs improve overall health, so the changes will be noticeable internally and externally. Are you willing to give up your unhealthy habits?

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