How To Fight Acne With An Aloe Vera And Honey Mask

Both honey and aloe vera have antibacterial and astringent properties that are very suitable for reducing excess sebum on the skin and ending acne

Acne is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of small pimples or comedones.  These are usually made up of sebum, dead cells, and other debris.

It is usually caused by an imbalance in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which are connected to the hair follicles that are under the skin.

They often appear on the face and back, although they can also originate on the neck, arms, and other areas of the body.

They very rarely cause pain, although sometimes the pore becomes infected and a more careful problem is generated.

Its exact cause is not determined, but there are some factors, such as hormonal changes, that have been linked to development.

Although they do not represent a serious health problem, it can manifest itself chronically, leaving some scars and affecting aesthetics.

Fortunately, today there are many cosmetic treatments whose properties reduce it significantly, since they deeply clean the pores and stimulate the repair of the skin.

Among these we find a mask of aloe vera and honey that, for a reasonable price, provides interesting benefits against this problem.

Aloe vera and honey mask to fight acne

The aloe vera and honey mask is a natural treatment that regulates the skin’s pH to combat common problems such as acne.

Both ingredients have antioxidant and antibacterial compounds that, after being applied, protect the skin against diseases and aggressions.

In addition, its application does not alter the natural production of oils, which helps to preserve its elasticity and moisture.

Aloe vera benefits

5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera has been studied with favorable results as an acne-fighting ingredient.

Aloe vera gel has astringent and antibacterial properties that act effectively against acne pimples.

Its moisturizing actives easily penetrate the pores and facilitate the removal of dead cells, impurities and sebum.

Aloe crystals are rich in water and antioxidant substances that create a protective barrier against the negative effects of free radicals.

It is also one of the best ingredients to regulate the natural pH of the skin and promote the balance of the sebaceous glands.

Best of all, it helps prevent scars, blemishes, and other marks left by chronic acne.

In addition, its regular application prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles, allergies and other disorders that affect skin beauty.

Benefits of honey


Honey  is one of the best astringents and antibiotics that we can find in our nature.

Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is one of the most widely used skin remedies in the world.

Its use on oily skin helps reduce excess sebum production and the obstruction that causes unsightly acne pimples.

Its antimicrobial properties kill germs and infections that, in some cases, are responsible for the development of acne breakouts and other blemishes.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect that is useful in cleaning pores and reducing pimples.

In addition, its active compounds protect the skin against aggressions and, in the long term, reduce the risk of premature aging.

How to prepare this aloe vera and honey mask to fight acne?

aloe and honey

Both aloe and honey are common ingredients on the market that are generally available to everyone.

However, it is good to recommend purchasing the best quality honey. Industrial presentations do not usually have the same properties.


  • ½ cup of aloe vera gel (120 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil (optional) (5 g)


  • Extract the aloe vera pulp and mix it in a bowl with the two tablespoons of honey.
  • If you like, you can add a teaspoon of coconut oil to enhance its hydrating and antimicrobial benefits.
  • Once you get a homogeneous paste, proceed to rub it on the affected areas.

Application mode

  • At night, after removing all traces of makeup, spread this mask over your face, especially on areas with acne.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat its use every night, until you notice an improvement.

    Are you ready to tackle acne? Prepare this simple remedy and discover that you can combat this problem without investing in expensive treatments.

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