What Medicines Can Make Us Fat?

Are you getting fat and don’t know why? Perhaps without knowing it you are consuming some of the medications that can make us gain weight as a side effect. It is more frequent than it seems.

In any case, and as always when it comes to something so delicate, do not stop taking them without first consulting your doctor. There are ways to stop the setback without putting your health at risk. Also, your well-being is more important than your size.

In this sense, it is best to do cardiovascular exercise and have a balanced diet. You can even go to a nutritionist, who will design an appropriate regimen for your circumstances. It is a highly advisable strategy, as it will introduce foods that will help protect you against your pathology.

That said, let’s see what are the most dangerous drugs for the scale.

What medicines can make us fat?

1. Antihistamines

medications can make us fat

People with allergies have surely heard of them. They serve to neutralize the effects of histamine, responsible for their appearance. In fact, those who suffer from them very severely always carry them in their pocket.

While appreciating their existence, many warn that after taking them for a few months, they begin to gain weight. This happens because histamine reduces your appetite. Therefore, these drugs neutralize this effect, so that it is much more difficult to satisfy ourselves.

Therefore, it is desirable in this case to eat foods that fill us, but low in calories : green leafy vegetables and fruits low in sugar.

2. Antidepressants


Not everyone acts the same way. The ones that concern us the most are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as Prozac. But why does this happen? These medications can make us fat because we feel without energy.

When this phenomenon occurs, the brain asks us to do something to solve it. Therefore, it is common that we tend to eat carbohydrates and products with a lot of glucose. If we add to this that it is very difficult for us to maintain a physical activity for a long time, the kilos are assured.

Consequently, we must have a lot of willpower to contain these desires and to play sports.

3.  Antihypertensives


We are facing a situation very similar to the one above. The function of these therapies is to reduce the pressure with which the heart pumps blood, since it damages both the muscle and other facets of our health.

Thus, antihypertensives can slow down different functions of the body, since blood is essential for them. One of the affected metabolism. In fact, some doctors prescribe diuretics to slow the impact.

However, it is also good to introduce foods that facilitate digestion and eliminate the heaviest ones.

4. Corticosteroids

It is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatories out there . They are prescribed for rheumatic, asthmatic and even cancer patients. Despite their effectiveness, these are drugs that can make us fat.

The negative action of the same is very significant at times: it increases the appetite and favors the retention of liquids. Therefore, in addition to eating more, it is very difficult for us to eliminate the toxins that we should.

In this sense, it is necessary to incorporate liquids into our diet. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the best way to combat retention is to drink more. In addition, this will allow us to fill the stomach without resorting to foods with many calories.

Neutralizes drugs that can make us fat

As long as your health allows it, sport is essential. One of the best choices is walking. It is suitable for almost everyone, since it is low impact. However, its usefulness for weight loss is incredible.

Walking has more advantages. Many cities have specific areas for this. These are usually located in the most beautiful places of the same : parks, promenades or green areas.

These enclaves are an ideal environment to disconnect and free ourselves from stress, unless you have an allergy. When we suffer from a disorder or disease, the emotional aspect is essential.

Some medications can make us fat, but we can intervene and stop this phenomenon. It is necessary that we know what they are to remedy from the beginning. Although we cannot always maintain our weight, a good diet and cardiovascular exercise (if possible) will help us reduce the effect.

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