Find Out Why You Should Drink Warm Water On An Empty Stomach

What is the first thing you consume as soon as you get up? Professionals recommend starting the morning by drinking a glass of warm water. This is revealed in the article published by Medical News Today.

However, we know that many of our readers will respond to the question “a coffee”. And, of course, there is nothing better to clear up and start the day with a good dose of energy.

Now, think for a moment what an acidic drink like coffee can do to our body day after day. It is not recommended, at least we hardly get up. The adverse effects that excessive consumption of caffeine can have on cardiovascular health are known. This is stated by a study by the University of Los Andes.

Warm water could be beneficial to your health, although there is little scientific evidence to prove it. However, it is a habit that is worth introducing. After half an hour, you can start your breakfast normally.

In our space we want to explain everything that a simple glass of warm water can do for you in those early hours of the day. Do we start putting it into practice today?

Warm water purifies your body

We are talking about warm water, not fresh. This is an important nuance that we must take into account.

We know that many people follow the healthy advice of having a glass of water with the juice of a lemon. However, there are those who do not always have their stomachs ready to incorporate this flavor as soon as they wake up.

Solution? Do not hesitate, if you do not feel like lemon or you are in a hurry, the easiest and most appropriate thing is to heat a little water until it is warm (never hot) and drink it little by little.

  • The European Institute of Hydration states that water is the solvent that enables many of the body’s vital chemical reactions and maintains bodily functions.
  • It is important to keep in mind that every cell in our body needs water to hydrate. Also, this, in turn, helps us eliminate waste substances.
    • Warm water reaches our body almost at the same temperature as our body. It does so as something natural that allows us to optimize the basic functions of renal filtering.
    • It could act as a stomach scrubber according to some studies. Being empty as soon as we get up, the warm water would allow to clean the stomach walls so that digestion is better.

    Releases toxins from your intestine and prevents constipation

    constipated woman

    Something curious that not everyone takes into account is that if there is a disease that enriches the pharmaceutical industries, it is the problem of constipation. There are a thousand treatments, drinks, pills, suppositories and capsules to solve this annoying problem.

    However, the majority of the population suffers from what is known as mild or occasional constipation. So simple remedies such as drinking a glass of warm water on an empty stomach may be worth trying.

    • When we get up, this remedy can help us eliminate waste materials from this part of our body.
    • Warm water naturally stimulates intestinal transit. In addition, it can facilitate the breakdown of food particles and pass them quickly through the intestines.

    Warm water improves our digestions

    A cleaner body, a purified stomach and toxin-free intestines greatly facilitate digestion.

    • Something as simple as drinking a glass of warm water can prepare our digestive system for the reception of food. Thus, they decompose better and we optimize digestion.
    • On the other hand, drinking cold water can make digestion difficult. Food doesn’t break down as well. In addition, the oil that we consume tends to be pressed, in a way that hinders the correct absorption of nutrients.
    • Carmen García Torrent, nutritionist and graduate in Food Science and Technology, states that it is advisable to drink one or two glasses of water on an empty stomach and then continue drinking the liquid for the rest of the day until reaching two liters. It also states that after drinking water you have to wait at least ten minutes before eating breakfast so that it can act on the body.

    Helps us relieve morning pain

    Something that happens to us sometimes is that we wake up with headaches, tiredness, stomach pain or heaviness. We feel like “inflamed”.

    • If this is your case, you can start the day with a glass of warm water. Heat has a very effective calming effect on the body. In addition, it can help us relax muscles and boost blood circulation.
    • It can act as a mild sedative internally that is worth taking advantage of every day. Drinking a glass of warm water costs you nothing and does a lot for your well-being.
    • The Japan Medical Association says that this treatment known as “Water Therapy” is effective for many diseases, including heart ailments. The water should be at room temperature or warm, preferably and should not contain fluoride or other chemicals (they are avoided with a water filter).

    Warm water can help you lose weight

    woman drinking water

    Many of us only remember water when we are thirsty. It is important to change that approach and understand that our body needs water to carry out its basic functions.

    • Your body needs water as much as the food you offer it. In addition, it is essential to maintain an adequate internal balance and, even more, it allows us to maintain an adequate weight.
      • A well-hydrated body favors the proper functioning of the organs and increases metabolic activity. It allows us to burn calories in a faster way.
      • The best thing to do is to start the day with that first glass of water and then wait between 20 and 30 minutes to start our breakfast. In this way, it helps reduce calorie intake, since we also feel fuller and do not have as much craving for sweets.

      If you want to lose weight easily and regularly, do not hesitate to consume warm water before each meal. This habit, combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, can be very beneficial.

      However, remember to consult with your doctor if you have any questions you may have.

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