Tips For Decorating The Hallways Of The House

Through the corridors we access the rooms. However, we do not usually consider them as one more stay that should be pleasant to the eye. Although it is not a priority, decorating the hallways can make the transitions between rooms much more pleasant.

The general idea for decorating a hallway is to put pictures on the wall, or family pictures on any piece of furniture. However, we rarely stop to appreciate these elements.

To decorate the corridors in a much more attractive way, we must think about those elements that we are going to observe when passing through them, and that have value for us.

With what elements to decorate the hallways

There are numerous elements to decorate the hallways of the house.

  • A mirror.  Provides a feeling of spaciousness and luminosity. It is best to place it on the side, if the corridor is narrow, or at the back, if the corridor is short.
  • A table  Preferably narrow and without drawers, so as not to store things that are not going to be used. On it you can put a nice table runner or some flowers that attract a little attention.
  • Decorative objects.  If the size of the corridor allows it, larger accessories can be placed: floor lamps, large vases, figures on the floor …
  • A lamp.  If the lamp is showy and ornamental, it will serve both to decorate and to illuminate. If it is smaller, we can place it in a way that helps to highlight the rest of the elements.
  • A carpet.  It can help make the home more cozy and warm. If there are more rugs in the house, it can help to unify the overall decor.
  • Paint / wallpaper.  To add a touch of color, you can decorate a wallpaper or a layer of paint or something striking print. Both elements can also be used to break the visual monotony and achieve dynamism.
  • Murals.  Some very nice landscape images help to create the illusion that the corridor does not end there, but connects with a natural space. The best thing about these types of elements is that they can be customized.

    Ideas to decorate the hallways

    Since they are not usually very wide, the best thing to decorate the corridors is to give prominence to a single element. The color of the walls and the rest of the decoration should be consistent with the main element so as not to overload the room.

    A good idea to highlight an element is to paint the walls and ceiling white, and choose an element, such as a carpet, that attracts attention due to the contrast in color or texture. You can look for original pieces that stand out for being different from what is usually seen.

    In the end, we have the last word on the decoration, since we know the space better and what we would like to see reflected in it. N or fear have to experience, an idea can lead to a much better than you can believe.

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