Tips To Prevent Fluid Retention

Preventing fluid retention can be a daunting task.  Despite being a common problem, it can also indicate that something is not working well in our body: atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, heart murmurs or non-physiological tachycardias may be just some of the related pathologies.

In addition to these diseases, a diet low in fiber and rich in salty foods that contain saturated fat, together with poor hydration and a sedentary lifestyle, can increase the risk of suffering from this annoying problem.

It is important that you consult a specialist if you consider that you may suffer from any of these disorders. Once the doctor has carried out a physical evaluation and in the event that the person is diagnosed with a circulatory disorder, it is important to follow their instructions and correct all those habits that may harm the condition.

Here are some tips that could help you lead a healthier lifestyle, and reap benefits not just in the short but also in the long term.

1. Massages and hydrotherapy

Massages can help alleviate the discomfort that comes with it. To perform them, it is necessary to bear in mind that  not all techniques serve the same purpose and that, therefore, it is important to look for a good specialist who knows how to determine which is the most appropriate for us.

In case you decide to massage yourself, do it gently. Avoid putting too much pressure on the skin and move your hands gently, in a circular motion, from the feet up, to stimulate blood flow.

Now, with regard to the product with which the massage should be carried out, it is convenient that this is a cold gel, so that it helps to activate the blood return and alleviate the feeling of heaviness. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Las Américas (Chile).

On the other hand, hydrotherapy may also help you get some relief. Jets of hot and cold water are used alternately on the skin to activate circulation.

2. Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet, low in salt and sugar and rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and whole grains could help you enjoy good health and, of course, prevent annoying fluid retention.

Some of the most favorable foods for cardiovascular health are: spinach, celery, sunflower seeds, bananas, soybeans, potatoes, chocolate, avocado, skim milk, fish and citrus fruits.

Consult with your doctor which diet may be more convenient for you  and, if you wish, also consult a nutritionist to obtain a well-structured eating plan, according to your physical needs.

3. Elevate your legs to avoid fluid retention

To prevent fluid retention, whenever possible, it might be a good idea to hold your legs up for a few minutes. It is recommended to do it for not very long periods, especially when you get home from work or after a long day.

4. Drink an infusion of ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a plant that, as stated in this study from the University of Pittsburgh, can prevent the formation of thrombi, since it has an effect similar to that of aspirin in terms of the dilation of blood vessels. Therefore, the infusion of ginkgo biloba could be a good option to complement the diet and good habits that help prevent fluid retention.

On the other hand, this research from the University of Chile indicates that the extract of this plant would be a good phytopharmaceutical to treat fluid retention and relieve associated discomfort.

Infusion of ginkgo biloba to improve circulation.

5. Exercise in moderation, but continuously

A sedentary lifestyle and the fact of staying in the same position for a long time will only maintain the discomfort. Therefore, we must try to exercise daily, even if we start little by little. Some of the most recommended activities are: swimming, jogging and yoga.

What promotes fluid retention?

Excesses, of any kind, have a negative influence on health. For example, according to this study from the University of California, smoking is one of the main habits that promote the appearance of circulatory disorders, among other diseases that have, among their symptoms, fluid retention.

It is important to avoid tobacco, alcohol and bad habits, in general, to be able to enjoy good health and well-being, day by day. On the other hand, you must always bear in mind that, in case of doubts, it is best to consult your doctor. We should never take things for granted.

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