Benefits Of Oats For Your Health

Few cereals are as complete as oatmeal. Its nutritional properties have made it one of the most consumed foods due to the large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber it provides. And not only that, but also different health benefits are attributed to it. Let’s discover them below.

Benefits of oats for your health

Oats have been eaten since ancient times. Its qualities, both nutritional and energetic, make it the basis of the diet of many peoples and civilizations.

You will also like to know that oats are also often known as the “queen of cereals”, since their high content of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and nutrients is much higher than in the rest of common cereals. But take note, we explain it to you below:

Nutritional values ​​of oats

benefits of oats

According to data from the report Current data on the nutritional properties of oats from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, this cereal:

  • It is rich in vitamins: oats provide vitamin E and B vitamins (mainly vitamin B1, B5 and B6).
  • It has a high content of minerals: especially magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc.
  • It is a source of complex carbohydrates: its carbohydrates are slowly absorbed. And what does this mean? That it is easy to digest and that it gives us great satiety, perfect for following diets.

Properties of oats


Provides satiety

Oats are raised as an aid to lose weight in a healthy and natural way. This is due, as well pointed out in Nutrients Reviews , to its content in complex carbohydrates of slow absorption and fiber. While carbohydrates provide us with sustained energy for longer, fiber swells as it mixes with gastric acids, helping us avoid snacking between meals.

Suitable for diabetics

Another benefit of oats is that, based on an article published in 2015, its consumption could be interesting for diabetics. In fact, this research indicated that oatmeal intake significantly reduced acute postprandial glucose and insulin responses in patients with type II diabetes, when compared with the control group.

It would be good for the brain

Oats provide silicon, a component that is associated with the renewal of connective tissues in the brain, carbohydrates and vitamin B1. On the latter, a study indicates that it could be essential for memory, since a deficiency could cause diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

In addition, oats are rich in phosphorus, essential for the formation of the brain and nervous system during youth. So it would be good for our children. So, what if we get used to always consuming it for our breakfast?

It would prevent and relieve constipation

Due above all to its high content of soluble fiber, it would facilitate intestinal transit and improve constipation. Do not hesitate, start your mornings with a cup of oatmeal, and you will see how you feel better.

It would control the cholesterol level

And how does oatmeal do it? As noted in a WebMD article , different research has suggested that consuming oatmeal, combined with other foods, would affect cholesterol levels. Researchers in an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study proved that a diet that included oatmeal lowered cholesterol levels, as did medications.

I would take care of our liver

Its amino acids are believed to stimulate the liver to produce more lecithin, thus helping to purge heavy compounds from the body.

I would take care of our cardiovascular system

Especially thanks to its cholesterol-lowering properties, which would allow us to keep our heart and circulation in good condition, as well as our arteries.

Would prevent hypothyroidism

Did you know? This is due to its content of iodine, a mineral that would help our thyroid function properly, according to data from the Annals of Pediatric Endocronology & Metabolism .

I would take care of your bones

Oats also have calcium among its components, a mineral that, as is known, is necessary to prevent bone demineralization.

How about including oatmeal in your regular diet? Eating it regularly could benefit you from its properties. What are you waiting for? What recipe with oats will you prepare today?

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