Demystifying The Health Benefits Of Boldo

Boldo is a plant from which its fresh leaves (which have a strong aroma) are usually taken to prepare drinks and various meals in countries like Chile, for more than 100 years. Its fruit is also edible, both raw and cooked, although it does not have the same frequency of use as the leaves.

As with dandelion, the infusion of boldo leaves has been used to treat issues such as: flatulence, dyspepsia, indigestion, menstrual cramps and even headaches and other issues. However, putting its use before the treatments prescribed by the doctor can be a risky practice, as well as its use as a natural remedy to prevent various diseases.

Boldo infusion is NOT a miracle remedy

Boldo infusion has been used as a digestive stimulant, cholagogue (which facilitates the expulsion of retained bile in the gallbladder) and choleteric. For this reason, research has been carried out to find out what its real scope is and if it can be safely used as an adjunctive treatment for conditions such as dyspepsia.

Despite the fact that they have been able to attribute all kinds of beneficial health properties to it and that in the popular sphere it has been possible to indicate its daily consumption to prevent or treat diseases, there is no scientific evidence that supports boldo as a miraculous element. 

Most of the experiments carried out have been in rats and mice and all point out in their conclusions that there are still aspects that are not completely clear and that it is necessary to continue researching in this regard.

At this point, it is worth noting that there are authors who question the choleretic activity of boldo. At the moment, there is only the theory that this activity is due to a synergism of action between alkaloids and flavonoids.

Why is it not advisable to drink it often?

Keep in mind that, although it is a drink that has been consumed for many years, this does not mean that its benefits are scientifically proven or that it is recommended (from a medical point of view) as a treatment for various diseases and complaints.

As with other beverages prepared from plants and herbs, its regular consumption, in large quantities, is not at all recommended, since it can alter the functions of the body, and can cause kidney irritation.

In case you want to drink the boldo infusion, we recommend that you consult with your doctor. The professional can always tell you what is best for you and why.

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