Detox Waters: 2 Benefits And Myths

The consumption of detox waters has become fashionable . These liquids are sold with the promise of cleansing the body and exerting beneficial effects on health. However, not all that glitters is gold: there are a lot of myths about it that we are going to describe to you.

Despite everything, the regular and controlled intake of this kind of water can also have some benefits. In any case, it is recommended to always do it under professional prescription and that these never replace natural water as the main source of hydration.

What is detox water?

Detox water is a drink that is composed of water, to which a series of ingredients such as fruit juices or spices are added in order to increase its nutritional value. Based on the contribution of micro and phytonutrients, it is argued that regular consumption of said liquid is capable of promoting weight loss.

Thanks to this situation, the state of health could be improved. The inflammation would be reduced and the visceral fat would be removed, which would improve the functioning of the organs. In turn, the risk of developing complex pathologies would be lower. However, there are quite a few myths in all these claims.

Detox water prepared with citrus fruits.

How can it be done at home?

Making detox waters is very simple. Just fill a jug with water, add some lemon wedges or other fruits and spices such as mint, ginger or turmeric. Let the content marinate for a couple of hours. From here they can be consumed refrigerated or at room temperature.

The problem comes when some gurus advise to suppress certain foods and replace them with the consumption of said liquids. This has a negative impact on metabolism, since it could even increase blood glucose and cause pancreatic stress.

Others recommend consuming detox waters prior to meals, in order to generate satiety. It is true that the consumption of water before food intake has been shown to be able to reduce appetite. However, we must bear in mind that these liquids have nutrients, such as carbohydrates.

2 Benefits of detox waters

The occasional intake of detox waters can have health benefits. They are as follows.

1. Reduction of the incidence of complex pathologies

These liquids have a high content of phytonutrients with antioxidant capacity. An example can be those from turmeric or ginger (curcumin).

The regular consumption of these substances has been associated with a lower state of systemic inflammation, which reduces the risk of developing complex pathologies in the medium term, such as cardiovascular ones.

2. Delay in aging

The same antioxidants that we have told you about are capable of neutralizing the formation of free radicals. There is evidence that these compounds derived from metabolism are responsible for premature aging.

In addition, they also participate in the increased risk of getting sick. For this reason, the balance of the redox potential is essential to avoid the traits of aging as much as possible.

2 Myths of detox waters

Despite these benefits, there are several myths associated with the consumption of detox waters . They are as follows.

1. They help you lose weight

There is a false belief that this type of liquid is capable of activating the metabolism, especially when consumed on an empty stomach. From here on, there would be an increase in lipid oxidation that would translate into weight loss. However, scientific evidence does not support this claim. There is no study that has managed to corroborate the phenomenon.

2. Cure cancer

There are those who sell this type of detox water as a remedy against cancer, once the tumor process has already started. They promote that daily consumption would be able to slow tumor growth or even kill cancer cells.

The truth is that, although the contribution of antioxidants has positive implications in the course of the disease, detox waters do not have magical properties when it comes to fighting cancer. There are other, much more effective dietary strategies to improve the effects of chemotherapy.

Detox water to lose weight.

Detox waters are good, but not a panacea

Regular consumption of detox waters , especially when it is well planned, can generate beneficial effects on the body. However, they do not have miraculous effects as some people claim.

The key is to introduce them in the context of a healthy, balanced and varied diet. It should be noted that in no case should they replace water consumption, but rather complement it.

On the other hand, keep in mind that if you suffer from any pathology you must always go to the specialist. These types of drinks will not solve the problem on their own. You will need to take other types of measures, which sometimes translate into the use of appropriate pharmacology.

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