Discover The Best Satiating Infusions To Lose Weight

The satiating infusions can be considered a good complement to the diet oriented to weight loss. They help hydrate the body, avoid the consumption of industrial beverages and also combat fluid retention.

When it comes to losing weight, we should not skip meals or go hungry to try to get closer to our goal. Nor is it necessary to force yourself to drink two liters of water a day, drink lemonade on an empty stomach, or resort to other extreme measures. By doing this, what we would actually achieve is to slow down the metabolism and, even if we managed to lose a few kilograms, it is most likely that we will recover it soon after.

To lose weight in a healthy way, we must take care of ourselves, and for this it is essential to adopt and maintain healthy and consistent lifestyle habits, such as good nutrition and hydration.

Satiating infusions come in handy after meals, as they will reduce the need to “snack” between meals without feeling hungry. However, it must be clear that by themselves they will not act miraculously against excess weight.

The importance of satiety when losing weight

You have just eaten and in half an hour you are hungry. Has it ever happened to you? It is probable. Therefore, it is always good to take into account a few simple aspects on this subject, considering what they explain to us through the British Nutrition Foundation .

The sensation of hunger is regulated by the brain and is influenced by factors such as light cycles or anxiety to eat. We are facing a process that is not only biological, since factors such as stress or anxiety determine our need to eat or, on the contrary, our lack of appetite.

Something that is interesting to know is that when we start eating, the stomach sends a series of hormones to the brain that, after 20 minutes, tell it that it is already full.

This means that it is important to chew slowly to promote salivation and thus the correct assimilation of nutrients in the digestion process. If we eat calmly and slowly we will take less food to the stomach and it will be satiated in a short time.

We must also bear in mind that foods rich in sugars, fats or white flours have a low nutritional level. In addition, this causes us to be hungry again in a few minutes.

Something as simple as introducing satisfying products into our diet, such as spinach, walnuts, pineapple, almonds or salmon, can make us not feel hungry again for a couple of hours.

Satiating infusions to lose weight

Cup with thyme tea

Satiating infusions can be considered an adjunct in weight loss treatment. However, it is important to note that its effects are not instantaneous or miraculous. In fact, if we really want to lose weight, it is essential to maintain a healthy diet and exercise, within a healthy lifestyle.

On the other hand, we cannot ignore that, despite being natural, some of these drinks are contraindicated. Therefore, if we have any disease, or we are under some treatment, it is better to consult a doctor before taking them.

Burdock root infusion

You can find burdock root at any natural store. According to a review published in Inflammopharmacology, this plant is known as a healthy and nutritious food in Chinese societies. 

  • Burdock root contains inulin, phytosterol, and phenolic acids.
  • It is a good antiseptic, it fights inflammation, fluid retention, is satiating and helps to take care of our digestions.

How to take burdock root

  • It is best to take one or two infusions a day after your main meals.
    It is enough to make an infusion with a teaspoon (5 g.) Of this plant for each glass of water (200 ml.).

    Contraindications of burdock root

    • Do not take this infusion if you are pregnant or have a heart problem that requires you to take some type of medication.

    Satiating infusion of fucus

    A publication in the medical journal Marine Drugs notes that fucus became popular in natural medicine for its iodine content. Thanks to this, it is attributed therapeutic properties for the treatment of goiter, thyroid-related complications and obesity.

    • Fucus is very suitable for losing weight, keeping us satiated and promoting our health in general.
    • Fucus is an algae rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and carotenoids. These components serve to fight obesity.

    How to take fucus infusion

    • You will find infusions ready to prepare in pharmacies or natural stores. You can have one or two cups a day after your meals.

    Contraindications of the infusion of fucus

    • Fucus contains iodine, therefore, it will be very suitable if you suffer from hypothyroidism. However, if your thyroid gland is overexcited, it is best to avoid this natural drink.

      Horsetail Infusion

      Elements to make an infusion of horsetail.

      Among the known satiating infusions, horsetail is one of the most recommended for weight loss. It is diuretic, rich in vitamins and minerals and an ideal complement to introduce into our diet.

      In addition, according to information published in the Journal of medicinal plant research, it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic and antidiabetic properties that help promote well-being.

      How to take horsetail tea

      • In this case, just have a cup a day after your main meal. You will only have to infuse 1 teaspoon (5 g) of the plant for each glass of water (200 ml).

      Contraindications of horsetail

      • If you are pregnant or take medication for hypertension, it is always best to consult your doctor first. Horsetail may not be appropriate.

        Apple peel infusion

        Apple peel contains fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients that contribute to our weight and well-being. A study published in PLoS One notes that these peels decrease oxidative stress and inflammation.

        How to drink my apple peel infusion

        • Bring a glass of water to a boil and add the clean skin of an apple. Add half a teaspoon (5 ml) of lemon juice and a cinnamon stick.
        • Let it boil for 20 minutes. Afterwards, strain all its contents and start enjoying the infusion.

        Discover: Benefits of taking a green apple on an empty stomach


        We can try these satiating infusions as part of the diet, as long as they are not contraindicated in our case. However, we must bear in mind that by themselves they do not help you lose weight. It is necessary to maintain a good diet, exercise and adopt other healthy habits.

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