Foods That Damage The Skin

To prevent our diet from damaging the health of our skin we must prioritize the consumption of organic products, which, although they are somewhat more expensive, are much healthier for the body

Have you ever read or heard the phrase “you are what you eat”? This does not only refer to health, but also to aesthetics. Therefore, we want you to know that there are certain foods that damage the skin.

Know what they are and what effects they have on your dermis. Do not lose detail!

Foods that damage the skin

The skin is the faithful reflection of how we feel, how we look and even our state of mind.

If after different treatments, creams and lotions your skin continues to be “dull”, with enlarged pores and acne, it may be due to your diet.

Here are some foods that damage your skin. Identify which ones you consume too much and try to avoid them.

1. Processed and packaged food

When we go to the market we find hundreds of ready-made food options, which only need a few minutes in the microwave to be able to consume them.

These foods do not have essential nutrients and  provide a large amount of sugars, salt and saturated fat. During processing, live enzymes are removed and nutrients are broken down.

Processed meats such as sausages and sausages

In addition, these foods usually do not have any water in their composition.  Dermal dehydration is one of the main causes of wrinkles, fine lines and a dull face.

Therefore, try not to eat processed and packaged meals every day. Replace them  with fruits, vegetables and legumes that provide water to the body and allow you to show off a much younger and healthier face.

2. Shrimp and lobsters

The fruits of the sea that we consume so much in paellas and rice dishes are foods that sometimes damage the skin. This is because they contain a good dose of iodine. If there is too much in the body, it can lead to breakouts, for example.

For this reason, we suggest that you reduce your intake of shrimp and lobsters to once or twice a month if you like them a lot. Also, always keep in mind that they are fresh.

3. Food full of chemicals

Everything that is not “organic” (a word that seems to be in fashion but, in reality, should be an obligation of all foods) has been treated during its development with:

  • Pesticides
  • Fungicides
  • Waxes
  • Hormones
  • Other chemicals

Our body does not recognize such substances and, for this reason, various diseases can be triggered in the short and long term.

Burger packed with skin-damaging chemicals

The body’s response when it does not identify a component or microorganism can lead to inflammation. That is why your skin may not look as beautiful as you would like.

Therefore, try to eat organic food, especially fruits and vegetables, a few times a week to enjoy its properties.

4. Refined flour

Pasta, pizza, bread and pastries contain a lot of starch. This high-glycemic component causes acne no matter how old we are.

If your face has too many pimples or blackheads, it may be because you eat foods that damage the skin, such as refined flours. In addition, they have no calories or nutrients that can benefit us. And, as if this weren’t enough, they cause constipation, bloating, and weight gain.

To replace white flour, we recommend that you adopt a whole diet. That is, eat cereals and whole grains. However, you should not exceed your intakes.

There are thousands of recipes that do not have this ingredient and that are also satisfying. Do not hesitate to try them!

5. Sausages and meats

The beef that we consume daily is endorsed by an industry that only cares about the revenue and not the quality of its products.

Farm animals are fattened through a cocktail of steroid hormones and are fed processed food (corn kernels, for example). Apart from this, they are crowded in very small places without any type of exercise or contact with the sun.

Farm animal meat with hormones and chemicals that damage our skin and body

When we eat meat, therefore, we are also ingesting all these products. Those compounds that pass into our body can cause hormonal imbalances and inflammation in the skin, as well as the appearance or intensification of acne.

Also,  meat and sausages are difficult to digest because they do not provide water or fiber. By taking too long to disintegrate, they can contribute to the accumulation of toxins that, of course, are also noticed at the dermal level.

Should we stop consuming meat then? The answer is very simple: we must reduce the amount of weekly intakes and, where possible, choose products from family and organic farms.

6. Dairy

Something similar happens to what happens with meat. Dairy cows are fed on the basis of hormones so that they can produce throughout the year without the need for a calf.

When we consume any dairy derivative, we are introducing these substances to our body, generating inflammation, excess estrogens and acne.

7. Fried and fat

When we eat something that has been prepared with hot oil, it turns into saturated fat, which accumulates on the walls of the arteries and can cause heart problems and cholesterol.

To have healthy skin we need the circulatory system to be too. In this way the dermis can receive adequate oxygen.

In addition,  fried foods increase the oiliness of the face, decrease the synthesis of collagen and elastin (which provide flexibility) and increase the appearance of acne and blackheads.

Fried foods, like the snacks in the image, are foods that damage the skin by increasing its oiliness and reducing elasticity.

Did you know that these foods contributed to damaging your skin? You already know it. Now, you only have to limit its consumption to ensure a healthy dermis. 

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