Fruits To Prevent And Relieve The Flu

Depending on the previous state of health, the annoying colds or flu can be more or less serious; therefore, it is always worth being cautious. Find out which fruits can help you prevent and treat the flu.

Keep in mind that diet is a key factor in improving the functioning of the immune system. Including the right foods can prevent certain diseases, as well as improve their management.

How to prevent the flu

There is a very illustrative phrase that Hippocrates left us already in the 5th century BC. C .:  «Let your medicine be your food, and the food, your medicine».

This statement illustrates the need to take good care of food so that, day by day, it can serve as a shield against possible diseases.

The flu can be very dangerous for people with low defenses, a weakened immune system, or who already suffer from other types of illnesses.

It is convenient to consume the so-called preventive foods in those times when the flu already appears among the population (especially with the changes of season).

Suitable fruits to treat the flu

The following fruits will be optimal to improve the treatment of the flu.

The Crimson Treasure of Pomegranates

The pomegranate is a delicious fruit that arrives in winter and whose medicinal properties have been known since ancient times.

It provides antioxidants and more folic acid than green tea (almost three times more). It also has a lot of vitamin C and is essential for treating sore throats and ear infections.

It should be noted that this last vitamin has been shown to be key to improving the functioning of the immune system. This is evidenced by a study published in the journal Nutrients .

You can take pomegranates both in juice and in salads or naturally.

Oranges and lemons, our allies

Oranges and lemons

They are high in vitamin C (you probably already knew that). This vitamin contributes, as we have already mentioned, to improve defenses by supporting various cellular functions of the innate immune system and the adaptive system.

You can have a natural glass of orange juice for breakfast every day, and in the middle of the afternoon, you can prepare yourself a lemon tea.

The medicinal kiwi


Kiwi is another recommended fruit to prevent and treat colds and flu, as it contains  vitamin C (even more than oranges). It also helps us to prevent constipation to a greater degree.

It also has a large amount of soluble fiber. This substance is capable of improving the health of the microbiota, which has been shown to positively impact immune function.

You can choose the fruit you want; If you have one for breakfast, you can have the other with your lunch or snack, since both are beneficial for your health.

Strawberries and the rich fruits of the forest

The so-called fruits of the forest, such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries, stand out as powerful allies against the flu and colds thanks to their high content of vitamin C and antioxidants.

In addition, they combine with many shakes, also in salads, in rich breakfasts or even in tasty sauces for meats such as chicken, such as blueberries.

The healthy pineapple


It is rich in bromelain, an element that also acts as an expectorant in case we have mucus in the chest due to the flu or cold. As stated by research published in Biomedical Reports , this substance has immunomodulatory properties.

Likewise, it has a large amount of antioxidants and vitamin C, which will come in handy at any time of the day.

You can take it naturally, in jams or in juices.

And the banana?

You may be surprised to see the banana in this list of fruits to prevent and treat the flu. The reasons are as follows:

  • Provides nutrients and minerals during illness.
  • It is an energy food that will keep you in good condition even if you don’t feel like eating.
  • It is especially suitable for children or the elderly who have lost their appetite.
  • It can alleviate the feeling of anguish or vomiting, including diarrhea, a reality that occurs frequently during this illness .

To eat it, you can cut it into thin slices or make a rich smoothie combined, for example, with an apple or a mango.

Eat fruits to improve your defenses

You can consume these beneficial fruits regularly to boost your immune defenses. Also, you should see your doctor if you detect flu or cold symptoms to assess your health.

Also keep in mind that, to improve the functioning of the immune system, it is important to ensure good lifestyle habits. In this sense, it is advisable to practice physical exercise frequently, in addition to sleeping at least 7 hours every day. Otherwise, diet may not be enough to prevent the flu.

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