Grandchildren Are The Light And Joys Of Their Grandparents

Grandchildren are those new generations that give so much light and hope to each of the family members. Now, in the case of grandparents, this bond is special and very flattering for both parties.

You have to think about something important: nowadays we call people “grandparents” who, in reality, usually lead a very active life. These days, they tend to be very autonomous and their hearts are still young.

They are people who enjoy their day to day and who welcome their grandchildren in a different way than parents do.

It is true that in a society we are all educating agents. However,  the role of grandparents in a family has some very interesting nuances that we want to talk to you about.

We invite you to reflect on it.

The construction of the “emotional legacy” in the family

The responsibility of educating, setting standards and deciding “what is permissible and what is not” is set by the fathers and mothers.

Grandmother teaching her granddaughter to cook.

Now, in the case of grandparents, there are some peculiarities that are worth noting:

  • Grandparents have already gone through that stage, because before being grandparents they have been parents. They have already set guidelines and fulfilled their role. To this day they do not want or want to be harsh, decide what can be done and what not, they prefer to enjoy their grandchildren and build an emotional legacy.
  • Between grandparents and grandchildren, communication that goes beyond words can be fostered. This is inscribed in gestures, in symbols. There is complicity, smiles, assignments and concessions … All this builds an adequate psychological well-being where both parties win.
  • Regular interaction between grandparents and grandchildren offers grandparents new responsibilities, and grandchildren can learn dimensions that their parents cannot pass on to them.

We are also clear that not all grandparents are the same and such intense relationships are not always built.

It is often said that one grows old as one has lived. Therefore, if we have not assumed certain things, it is possible that we reach middle age with some frustration and negativity.

It will therefore be the parents who assess how frequent the relationship with grandparents should be and if that relationship is enriching or not. However, and in general, it is one of the most wonderful links that exist.

Grandparents and grandchildren: an enduring emotional legacy

The support of the grandparents in the day to day is a help and a small relief for the parents. This responsibility of grandparents is not something recent: many generations have shared the tasks of caring for the little ones.

The legacy that grandparents build enriches grandchildren. In addition, it is possible that fathers and mothers also see new dimensions in their parents that they may not have known about and that, in some way, make them renew the bond.

  • The legacy that grandparents offer to children is not only based on affections and emotions.
    It is also  the gift of knowing how to transmit values. Grandparents can share snippets of the past, of those family memories of other generations that, in turn, will help the child to understand the world and himself much better. Thus, it offers you roots.
    • Another interesting aspect is that this continuous reflection of the grandparents, of their joy for living, for enjoying, for transmitting care and affection, also serves for the child to carry in his mind what it means to “grow old wisely”.
      It may help you see the passage of time not with fear, but with ease.
    • In addition, sometimes  grandparents can be that ocean of calm and strategies to calm tensions, arguments and misunderstandings.

    Read also: What to do to keep the family together

    Grandchildren are light to grandparents and vice versa

    Grandfather reading with grandchildren.

    Educating a child is never easy. We go through complex times that, in turn, our parents have already spent with us.

    Although it is true that the current context is different, the essences are the same: children who demand independence, children who demand attention, who have tantrums, who make mistakes. ..

    Without a doubt, grandparents can help with all this with good advice and without interfering.

    Grandchildren give light and happiness to grandparents, this is something that has always happened. They are in that stage of adulthood where people face these vital moments with enthusiasm and energy.

    For this reason,  children can help to renew “responsibilities” and to see life as continuity, with hope.

    To this day, grandparents do not want to be parents. What they want is only to enjoy the most intense and enriching emotions, but in a way that there is no pressure or obligation.

    By this we mean that as his children that we continue to be, we must also respect the independence of grandparents and their right to have “their time”. It is something important that we must take into account.

    Note: for more information, see the bibliography.

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