Hide Wrinkles With These Natural Remedies

You can hide wrinkles in a simple and effective way with these tricks that we are going to show you. They are all natural, so they will also benefit your health.

Wrinkles usually begin to appear after the age of thirty, although some people already begin to notice them in their twenties. If you detect the signs of aging on your face, put these suggestions into practice and hide wrinkles.

You already know that the passage of time and the signs that it leaves on the skin cannot be stopped. However , with proper care it is possible to delay the appearance of the first wrinkles. It is necessary to provide the skin with the necessary nutrients or avoid external damage to present a healthy skin for longer.

Hide wrinkles naturally

In this article we propose 100% natural options. You just have to find the one that is most suitable for your age and skin type.

Moringa oil

Moringa oil

A high quality oil with excellent antioxidant properties is extracted from the Moringa Oleifera tree seed . In ancient Egypt it was used as a skin balm, but today it is still little known.

Moringa oil has a dark yellow color and a very pleasant texture that penetrates well on all skin types. Not only does it help to progressively hide wrinkles, but it also softens, calms and deflates possible redness and irritation.

Some people have noticed pimples after using this oil. If this is your case, you can use it less frequently or stop using it and try other remedies that we discuss here.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil may hide wrinkles in dry, dull, mature skin. It nourishes them in depth thanks to its texture, which is very greasy. On the other hand, it is not recommended for young, oily or acne-prone skin, despite its healing properties.

This oil, which was already used in the Mayan and Egyptian cultures,  is rich in essential fatty acids, among which omega 6, omega 3 and linoleic acids stand out; vitamins A, C and E, and antioxidants.

Can be used neat overnight and mixed with moisturizer during the day. We must make sure that it is a quality rosehip oil and without mixing.

Facial gymnastics

Facial gymnastics, hide wrinkles

Facial gymnastics could also help to hide wrinkles if done every day and in the right way. If it is carried out just after applying moringa or rosehip oil, or the usual moisturizing lotion, it will improve its absorption and enhance the benefits of gymnastics.

Facial gymnastics improves circulation in the face, the elasticity and tonicity of the tissues and combats the tensions that also influence the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Reserve a few minutes each day to make faces, all those gestures and movements that occur to us with all parts of the face: eyes, forehead, nose, cheeks, mouth, jaw and even tongue and, if we can, ears. It can also be massaged with your hands until the facial skin is heated.

Nourishing masks

Nourishing masks

The skins with facility to present wrinkles need special care to nourish the skin in depth. To achieve this it is necessary to make at least once a week a facial mask made with natural ingredients that are usually had at home:

  • Very ripe banana.
  • Avocado.
  • Olive oil
  • Yoghurt
  • Yolk
  • Honey
  • Cooked oatmeal

How do we do it?

  • You can use one of these ingredients or combine them and beat them until they are well integrated into a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply the mask to clean face and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with water and hydrate the skin as you normally do.

Nourish the skin

Do not forget that the skin is also fed through diet. Drinking enough water outside of meals and eating healthy fats is what best disguises wrinkles in the short and long term, as well as being beneficial for the body in general.

Include the following foods in your menus, in moderate amounts, but on a regular basis:

  • Vegetable oils of first cold pressing.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Avocado.
  • Blue Fish.
  • Yolk.

Delays and hides wrinkles

Finally, remember that sometimes it is necessary to try different remedies. Sometimes some work and other times others work. It all depends on factors such as age and lifestyle, as well as the environment. Go ahead and try them and keep the one that convinces you the most!

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