High Cholesterol? Know The Best Home Treatments To Control It!

Although these remedies can be very effective in helping us control high cholesterol and prevent problems, we should never substitute medical treatment or take them without consulting a specialist.

Cholesterol is a substance very similar to fat and which is essential for the formation of hormones, acids, amino acids …. Therefore, it is a very necessary element for life.

However, if we take into account its function, having high levels of it means a danger to our health. And it is that the excess of it causes a systematic alteration of the aforementioned elements.

Therefore, high cholesterol causes cardiovascular problems.

Therefore, we must be very careful with him. In addition to the specialist’s advice, to which you have to be very attentive, there are many home treatments to control it.

Here are the best home remedies to treat high cholesterol.

Aloe vera syrup

Aloe vera juice

Aloin stands out among its components. This is ideal for fighting high cholesterol, as well as being a great antioxidant.

There are many ways to consume it, but the most recommended to achieve your goal is this simple aloe vera syrup.

Once you have the preparation, you will have to take a tablespoon before each meal.


  • Aloe vera pulp (150 g).
  • Honey (167 g).
  • Rum, whiskey or brandy (5 ml) (if you cannot drink alcohol, you can do without it).

How to prepare it

  1. Blend all the ingredients at the same time until you get a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
  2. Pour it into a glass container.
  3. Cover it so that it does not get light and store it in the fridge.

Barley juice for high cholesterol

Barley stands out  for its high fiber content. Therefore, it is one of the most efficient foods against cholesterol, since it helps us expel harmful substances.

In addition, it provides us with omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, perfect for reaching our goal. In this sense, it also facilitates blood circulation, which is why they constitute an exceptional alternative to prevent cardiovascular accidents.

To take full advantage of the preparation, drink a cup in the morning.


  • Pearl barley (150 g).
  • Water (1.2 l).
  • Lemon peel.
  • A cinnamon stick.
  • Honey (25 g).


  1. Wash the barley grains with cold water.
  2. Add the 5 cups of water and the barley to a saucepan and heat over low heat.
  3. When the grains are tender, add the lemon peel and the cinnamon stick.
  4. Keep boiling for 5 more minutes.
  5. After the indicated time, strain the juice, sweeten it with the tablespoon of honey and put it in the fridge.

Other foods to lower cholesterol

While these home remedies are fine, the ingredients in your meals count, too.

Consequently, it is important that you make an effort to properly choose the products that you are going to use in your daily recipes.

Knowing this, we want you to know which ones are the most effective.

Whole grains

Whole grains

It is true that if we talk about calories, a whole grain macaron has the same as normal.

However, as we always say, these are not the only indicator of the benefits or damages of a food.

Whole grain cereals have much more fiber and their hydrates are slowly absorbed, which allows us to keep what benefits us and get rid of harmful substances.


They have the same advantages as whole grains.

  • The most recommended are lentils, peas and soybeans. Ideally, the latter should be consumed in the form of a bean.
  • You may find it difficult to find them in your regular supermarket, but they are usually available in herbalists and specialized nutrition stores.
  • In the event that you live in a small town that does not have many resources in this regard, trust online sales.


All red fruits, such as blueberries, cherries or raspberries, are rich in anthocyanins.

It is a compound that produces less cholesterol, while releasing vitamins and minerals that strengthen us and help us better metabolize what we take.

Taking into account that fruit is vital to avoid the consumption of sugar and its consequences, we recommend that you use these to lower cholesterol.

Of course, we will obtain a greater benefit if we add to all this the realization of physical exercise.

This improves circulation, accelerates our metabolism and favors the elimination of toxins through sweating.

If we combine home remedies with a suitable combination of foods in our dishes and sports, lowering cholesterol is a very simple task.

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