Hindu Tricks That Will Help You Lose Weight

Indian cuisine is characterized by the abundant use of spices, and it is precisely these that can help us lose weight more easily by increasing body temperature.

Some suggest that eating a Hindu-type diet can help you lose several pounds in a month. However, we should take advantage of these Hindu tricks to not only lose weight but also feel healthier.

It should be noted that for the following tricks to serve you, they must be introduced in the context of a balanced diet. It is also important to promote physical activity.

Facts about Indian cuisine


It is important that you know some characteristics of the gastronomy of India and then put into practice the diet that will help you lose weight:

  • Select food well (what prevails is quality and not quantity).
  • Eat brown rice and vegetables.
  • Choose fresh fruits (citrus, mostly).
  • Eat three meals a day + a snack of yogurt or fruit if you are hungry.
  • Chew each bite 100 times for better digestion.
  • Drink 2 liters of water and green tea a day.
  • Do physical activity, especially walks, 40 minutes a day.

Hindu recipes have influences from different cultures and countries: Mongolia, Portugal and even England. The consequence of this is a gastronomy with great personality.

It stands out for using various seasonings (those who were born in India are said to have the ability to detect more flavors than a Westerner). And for not including beef, since it is sacred to the religion they profess.

They don’t eat too much dairy either. Instead they choose a kind of butter called ghee and a liquid yogurt known as lassi .

Among the ingredients that are not lacking in the dishes we have rice, chicken and lamb. Vegetarian dishes are also abundant because many inhabitants follow the precept of “non-violence” and do not consume any type of meat.

There are different ways to prepare food:

  • Roam : heat and season with spices.
  • Tandoor : cooking foods that have already been marinated with spices and yogurt in the oven.
  • Korma : grilled. The consistency is thick because yogurt, milk or cream is added.
  • Dhungar : smoked.
  • Dhum : the embers are placed above and below the container.

Hindu diet, ayurveda and lose weight

lose weight

There is a strong relationship between the type of food consumed in one of the largest and most populous countries in the world with a type of alternative medicine and losing weight. This is because food is at the same time medicine and helps us to feel healthy and strong.

As mentioned before, Indian dishes have a lot of spices (curry, cardamom, cumin, etc.). They stimulate the body, increase body temperature and help lose weight. Some like pepper have solidly demonstrated their effects. In fact, this is why Indian food burns fat.

Some of the Hindu options and tricks to lose weight have to do precisely with spices and seasonings, but also with the combinations between meals. Here we offer you several options:

Turmeric leaves as one of the Hindu weight loss tricks


The dark green leaves of this native tree are used for salads and sauces, both raw and cooked.

They help the stomach and intestines work properly and allow body weight to remain stable or to reduce if there are extra pounds.

In turn, turmeric leaves have medicinal properties because they treat diarrhea, dysentery and diabetes. They are even capable of exerting an anti-inflammatory effect, according to a study published in Drug Design, Development and Therapy.


This traditional Indian food is made up of dried peas, lentils, and beans. It is served with rice and bread (chapati).

The dhal is high in protein, is very satiating and is digested more slowly than other foods. Therefore, after ingesting it, you do not want to eat between meals. Thus, body weight control is favored.



This aromatic herb (belonging to the parsley and celery family) has a great diuretic power that helps to lose fluids, toxins and fats through urine.

Within traditional medicine, it is used to reduce intestinal gas and to reduce abdominal inflammation. There is also evidence that it has antimicrobial properties.

Hindu appetizers and salads

Hindus eat a lot of fresh food due to the high temperatures. Some options are perfect for the summer, and more if we are dieting. For example:

  • Ratia (yogurt with vegetables, fruits and spices).
  • Chaat (raw vegetable salad with lemon and spices).
  • Pakora (chickpea flour patties stuffed with vegetables).

Legumes and cereals

Legumes are cooked peeled and split to make them more digestible. Among the cereals, without a doubt, rice is the basis of the Indian diet. The best known among all the chosen types is basmati, which has a good dose of fiber and satiates hunger. You can also add some wheat, corn, and millet to your diet.

Hindu drinks

coconut milk

To meet the 2 liters of water per day, stay hydrated and avoid appetite (which is often thirsty) you can choose some of the quintessential Indian drinks:

  • Lassi (liquid yogurt).
  • Chai (spiced tea).
  • Ninmu Pani (lemonade).
  • Coconut juice.

Finally, regarding Ayurveda, there are 3 types of doshas. Each of them is related to a series of bodily characteristics.

Knowing which is yours can help you eat what you need, avoid what does not do you good and, above all, lose weight.

  • Vatta : thin and light build, hungry all the time and irregular digestion. In this case, it is recommended to consume heavier dishes such as soups, stews or pasta with sauce.
  • Pitta : of medium complexion, feels intense hunger and thirst,  despairs if food is not on time and tends to overeat. The recommended foods are salads and cold drinks. Do not eat heavy dishes or meat.
  • Kapha : bigger and overweight; slow digestion, medium appetite. You should avoid dairy, desserts, and fats and opt for fruits and vegetables (especially carrots, squash, celery, cabbage, and lettuce).

Adopt Hindu tricks to lose weight

Now that we know all the benefits that this type of diet can bring us, shall we start it? As we have seen, you have a multitude of healthy and delicious options. Put into practice all the Hindu tricks that we have taught you and you will experience their benefits.

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