How To Change Your Diet To Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack And Stroke

In a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , we were warned of something we all sensed: our traditional diets are generally very unhealthy. If we all made small changes in our nutrition, the risks of heart attack and stroke would be reduced by a third.

Although the figure is not very high, it is a percentage to take into account, especially if the price is to make small changes in habits. Have we discovered what we should do to reduce the risks of heart attack and stroke?

Nutrition against heart attack and stroke

Although it is true that many of these diseases have a genetic component, we must consider that it is also in our hands to prevent them. Both heart attacks and strokes are usually one of the main causes of death in men and women. And as data to take into account, we will tell you that, lately, these diseases are increasing among the female population.

Stroke cases are increasing and not only because the population ages, but also because of our poor diet, stress and even sedentary lifestyle. Another fact that makes the same study that we mentioned before  is relevant is that we usually wait until we are about 50 years old to start improving our lifestyle habits.

At that time of life, heart problems, high cholesterol or hypertension begin to appear. However,  how about we start taking care of ourselves earlier? Isn’t it healthier to prevent from the beginning to avoid these future problems?

Without a doubt, it is worth being aware of these diseases and starting, from today, small changes in your diet and lifestyle. Take note of those improvements in your diet.

1. Let’s forget about salt and fat

Most traditional diets are generally high in fat and salt. It does not matter that we are in Europe or America, in recent years it seems that we are losing all those healthier customs that characterized us. Maybe it is due to our lifestyle, work, rush …

We end up buying many of these ready-made dishes in supermarkets, with which we work less in the kitchen and we are satisfied. Or it is even possible that your style of cooking, the one you have always seen at home, is very rich in red meat, fried or in dishes with a high caloric index that causes you more problems than benefits.

2. Yes to red vegetables


There are numerous vegetables that are very suitable for preventing heart attacks and strokes. Do you want an example that should never be missing from your diet? Tomato. Thanks to the lycopene present in its composition, we can prevent many of these diseases, given its ability to reduce the appearance of thrombi, as this research published in  Hospital Nutrition indicates.

As a curious fact, we will tell you that the tomato sauce itself is richer in lycopene than fresh tomatoes, because this pigment is released much better during cooking.

3. Substitute the white flours for the whole grains

linen bread bookchen

It is an important factor in helping to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Starting today, try to replace white bread with rye or oatmeal bread, which always has whole grains and never refined. Also eat rice and whole wheat pasta since, thanks to them, you will reduce cholesterol, avoid sugar spikes and control your appetite.

4. Yes to strawberries and apples

Oatmeal-smoothie-and strawberry

How about we include a green apple in our breakfasts? What if you make yourself a tasty spinach, strawberry and walnut salad for your lunch? Delicious! You should know that apples are rich in phytonutrients,  ideal for fighting cardiovascular disease, while they are perfect for reducing LDL or the so-called bad cholesterol.

And what about strawberries … Did you know that they are very rich in potassium, phytochemicals and vitamin C? A perfect combination to combat the risk of stroke. Do not hesitate, then, to have a bowl with 6 fresh and well cleaned strawberries every day, but remember: Do not accompany them with sugar!

5. Half a tablespoon of cinnamon a day

ion-bogdan dumitrescu cinnamon

Only 15 grams and you will take care of your health, preventing the risk of heart attack and stroke. We explain why cinnamon is so healthy :

  • Lowers blood sugar level.
  • It allows us to lower LDL cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels.
  • Avoid the formation of thrombi.
  • Reduces high tension.
  • It helps us lose weight.

And so this article published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition points out , as it  has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, cholesterol-lowering and immunomodulatory effects. 

6. Blue fish twice a week

According to data from this study published in the Med Magazine,  people who take oily fish twice a week avoid the onset of heart attack and stroke in a very high percentage. They are rich in proteins and, above all, in that healthy oil present in Omega 3 that prevents the appearance of blood clots. Remember to include them in your diet, and take care of your health.

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