How To Get Someone To Change Their Mind

When a person has a well-formed idea on a certain topic, it is difficult for him to change his mind. Human beings tend to cling a lot to our convictions  and we are reluctant to modify them.

In this article you will learn how we can get someone to think differently thanks to our intervention.

Get someone to change their mind?

It is not a question of “brainwashing”. But if, for example, we have a business and we want to convince the other to buy from us, we can do it.

Also, if we are tired of arguing with our partner for the same reasons, we may need to strengthen certain communication skills.

Ideally, you should “shape” the other’s opinion before you have thought about it. This means that it would be easier for us to “manipulate” you (in the good sense of the word), if you have not yet concluded about it or do not have a defined ideology.

But if you already have a well-formed criterion, the task will be more complicated or at least it will imply that we invest more effort to change your mind.

Tips for someone to change their mind

If we develop the power of persuasion we will be successful in whatever area we undertake. Both in business and in personal relationships. Maybe you want that:

  • A customer makes a major purchase.
  • That your children are more organized.
  • Have your partner accept a destination for the next vacation.

Well, it won’t do you any good to argue, try to impose your criteria through shouting or punishment.

Getting someone to change their mind is a subtle task that requires time, patience, and preparation.

Do not forget that if the other person feels “cornered”, “in trouble” or “attacked” it will be more difficult for them to give in even a little.

1. Acquire the necessary knowledge

Have the necessary knowledge

The first tool you can use to help someone change their mind is information. You must become an expert in the field.

  • Do you want to sell a car? Learn about mechanics, fuel consumption, spare parts and even the history of the brand.
  • Do you want to go to a special place for your vacations? Look for information about accommodation, food costs, walks, means of transport, how to get there, when to go, if it is a safe place, etc.

This way, you will be prepared for the talk and the possible questions. Remember that information is the best weapon when someone wants to discredit your opinions or impose their own.

2. Don’t waste your energy

It won’t do you any good to spend several minutes arguing with the other person. Although this can help you in your convincing process, the truth is that it takes energy and time from both parties.

  • You must go directly to what is important , that is, to those data that will ensure you win the battle.

And even if you have memorized all the specifications of the car or the history of the Statue of Liberty that you dream of visiting with your partner; If the other considers that there are cars or better destinations, you should change both the optics and the energy of the talk.

3. Develop your ideas

Develop your ideas

When the time comes when the other person hears what you have to say, don’t go too far. Choose your words well and be concise and direct.

“Beating around the bush” does not help, contrary to what everyone thinks, because the other gets bored of hearing so much information and details that are not so important.

4. Explain your reasons

It is not about the other changing his mind “just because”, there must be a well-founded reason.

  • On what do you base your arguments?
  • How do you show your interlocutor that he is wrong or that your point of view is the most correct?

If you say: “I want to go to New York because I like it”, you may not be as successful as you would if you affirmed: “New York is one of the most visited cities in the world, it has dozens of tourist attractions and, as I have read, it is a a destination that we should all go to at least once in our lives ”.

Developing the reasons and based on studies or “scientific” data is more likely to achieve your goals.

5. Give in a little

Give in a little

This technique is one of the most effective. Nobody likes that the other is 100% right and even less do everything they say.

However, you can win the conversation and achieve your mission if you allow the other person to contribute something as well.

In the New York example, you can agree to go in winter because your partner likes the cold or likes ice skating, even if you prefer summer or spring.

Do not forget that mutual agreements always bring us to fruition. Also, if you give in a little, you can impose your ideas on the other side.

6. Calm down

Calming down is essential to getting someone to change their mind. Yelling, crying, tantrums or any other strong reaction will not allow you to be right or impose your ideas.

On the contrary, if you remain calm and rational, it will be easier for the other to be convinced of your points of view.

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